Supply Chain Snapshot
The internal ID for this record is supplychainsnapshot
The Supply Chain Snapshot record is available only when the following features are enabled:
Multi-Location Inventory
Advanced Inventory Management
Demand Planning
Supply Chain Control Tower
Use the Supply Chain Control Tower feature in your NetSuite OneWorld account to simulate inventory supply and demand across your supply chain. These simulations, or Snapshots, are used to analyze whether inventory levels are in line with demand or planned levels. This feature can help you to juggle how to match customer requests with supply availability.
For help working with this record in the UI, see Supply Chain Control Tower.
See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.
For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.
See Supply Chain Snapshot Record Actions for actions associated with this record. For more information about actions and macros, see Overview of Record Action and Macro APIs.
Supported Script Types
The Supply Chain Snapshot record is scriptable in both client and server SuiteScript.
Supported Operations
The Supply Chain Snapshot record can be created, read, edited, deleted, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be copied.
Usage Notes
Supply Chain Snapshot details are based on a saved search. The record is scriptable in the same way that saved searches are scriptable. Because it is a snapshot of transactional data, you can refresh this view or run the snapshot details search as needed.
There are two types of saved searches that are associated with Supply Chain Snapshots:
Supply chain snapshot details search – This is the line-by-line information as displayed by the snapshot record.
Supply chain snapshot search – This is header-level information such as replenishment method, future horizon date, and past horizon date.
Field values on the record header can be set using scripts. Some fields are read-only or have special behaviors. Please see the table below for details.
The following are applicable elements of the Supply Chain Snapshot record:
Field Id |
Field Label |
Type |
Description |
memo |
Memo |
textarea |
A typical memo field that can be set on create or edit. |
item |
Item Name / Number |
select |
On create, value is selected or passed in as parameter. On edit, snapshot record is tied to item id, so the item field is read-only. |
replenishmentmethod |
Replenishment Method |
select |
This field is read-only. Its value is derived from the item record. |
daterun |
Date Run |
datetime |
This field is read-only. If refresh =true, it is the datetime stamp from when the data on the record was last refreshed. If refresh =false, it has not been updated. |
pasthorizon |
Past Horizon |
select |
Can be set on create. If refresh =T, can be set on edit. Options (in days): 7, 14, 30, 45, 60 Defaults to the value set in Setting Supply Chain Control Tower Preferences. |
futurehorizon |
Future Horizon |
integer |
This field is read-only. Its value is derived from the item record. If the item record value is empty, it derives its value from the value set in Setting Supply Chain Control Tower Preferences. The value must be between 0 and 365 days. |
futurehorizondate |
Future Horizon Date |
date |
This field is read-only. It is calculated as follows: current date +the number of days set in the Past Horizon field. |
refresh |
Refresh Summary |
checkbox |
This is a non-persisted value. On create, this field cannot be set because data is fetched when the record is first created. On edit, this field determines whether to refresh the search results of snapshot details. |
externalid |
ExternalId |
text |
Hidden by default in the UI. |
stockunit |
Stock Unit |
select |
This field is read-only and shows only when the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled . Its value is derived from the value for Stock Units on the item record. |
Additional Notes
You can use the SuiteScript saved search API (the N/search module in SuiteScript 2.x) to script supply chain snapshots.
Type is 'supplychainsnapshot' for searching general snapshot record info (header-level fields).
Type is 'supplychainsnapshotdetails' for searching line-level snapshot data.
Search can be customized. Searches of 'supplychainsnapshot' correspond to header fields, as shown in the table above. Searches of 'supplychainsnapshotdetails' access the transactional data in the details table, such as the following:
item, subsidiary, location, date, sourcetype (Source), docnum (transaction), status, invbalance (Inventory Balance), demandqty, supplyqty, purchaseorderqty, salesorderqty, transferorderqty, workorderqty, otherdemandqty, othersupplyqty
This above list includes labels in parentheses for potentially confusing column identifiers.
Scripts can be scheduled. Additional logic in these scripts is flexible. For example, it is possible to automatically analyze the inventory balance for an item to see if it is expected to be underwater, and then complete specific actions like creating purchase orders.
You can use an automated script for refreshing your supply chain snapshots. For example, every Sunday you could run a script to refresh all snapshots.
It is your responsibility to build, maintain, and export snapshot data to match your needs.
Code Samples
The following sample shows how to create an item and set the future horizon to 10 days.
var item = record.create({
type: record.Type.INVENTORY_ITEM
fieldId: 'itemid',
value: 'SS item test'
fieldId: 'taxschedule',
value: '1'
fieldId: 'futurehorizon',
value: '10'
var itemId =;
The following sample shows how to generate snapshot for that item with past horizon of 14 days.
var snap = record.create({
fieldId: 'item',
value: '7'
fieldId: 'pasthorizon',
value: '14'
var snapId =;
The following sample shows how to refresh the snapshot for an item with a past horizon of 7 days.
var loadSnap = record.load({
type: record.Type.SUPPLY_CHAIN_SNAPSHOT,
id: snapId,
defaultValues: true
fieldId: 'refresh',
value: 'T'
fieldId: 'pasthorizon',
value: '7'
fieldId: 'memo',
value: 'updated ss memo'
var recID =;
The following sample shows how to create a saved search for a snapshot record.
var mySearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.SUPPLY_CHAIN_SNAPSHOT,
title: 'Snapshot header search for test item2',
id: 'customsearch_scct',
columns: [{
name: 'item'
}, {
name: 'memo'
}, {
name: 'daterun'
filters: [{
name: 'item',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: itemId
var customsearch_scctId =;
The following sample shows how to create a saved search for snapshot details.
var mySearch = search.create({
type: 'supplychainsnapshotdetails',
title: 'Snapshot details search for test item2',
id: 'customsearch_scct_details',
columns: [{
name: 'docnum'
}, {
name: 'location'
}, {
name: 'invbalance'
filters: [{
name: 'item',
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: itemId
var customsearch_scct_detailsId =;
The following sample shows how to load a search for snapshot record.
var loadSearch= search.load({
type: search.Type.SUPPLY_CHAIN_SNAPSHOT,
id: 'customsearch_scct'
The following sample shows how to load search for snapshot details.
var loadSearchDetails= search.load({
type: 'supplychainsnapshotdetails',
id: 'customsearch_scct_details'