Creating Cash Donations
You can record a cash gift from a donor and specify any restrictions the donor may impose on the donation. This enables you to accurately assign the revenue to the correct donor for compliance and reporting purposes.
For generic information on Cash Sales in NetSuite, on which this customized page is based, see Cash Sales.
To enter a cash donation:
Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Donation | Cash Sales.
NetSuite displays the Donation | Cash Sales page.
From Custom Form, select the form you want to use. For example, NFP Donation Form.
Under Primary Information:
In the Constituent field, select a constituent.
Accept or enter the date in the Date field.
Select the posting period to which you want to post this cash donation.
From the Appeal field, select the campaign or appeal associated with this donation, if any.
In the Memo field, enter a memo to identify this cash donation.
In the Items subtab, add items to the cash donation.
The columns that appear are based upon your custom segments and the permissions set for your user role.
From the Items list, select the type of donation item.
In the Amount field, enter the amount of the donation item.
Populate the custom segment fields by selecting a Segment Code, or individually complete any of the following fields:
Restriction – If the constituent has not put any restrictions on the cash donation, select Without Donor Restrictions. This field is required.
Program – Select the program that identified the purpose of the restriction, if applicable.
Region – Select the associated region.
Revenue Type – Select the revenue type.
Revenue Subtype – Select the revenue subtype.
Time Restriction – Set to the current fiscal year by default. Donations are not time restricted.
Enter additional information as necessary.
Click Add.
Repeat these steps for each line item.
Enter additional information as necessary. You can enter information related to shipping, billing, accounting, sales team, and communication.
Click Save.
You can also print or email transaction details to the donor. For more information, see Emailing Transactions. To include standardized customer messages in print or email, see Customer Message.
The page for entering a cash donation has several subtabs. The subtabs that display on the page are determined by the setting and options you have enabled. For generic information on the subtabs, see Entering a Cash Sale.