Defining Fulfillment Exception Reasons

Before you enter exceptions on a fulfillment request, you must have a list of fulfillment exception reasons defined in the system. A fulfillment exception reason indicates why a fulfillment exception was entered on a fulfillment request. Create a list of fulfillment exception reasons that suit your business needs to track the reasons why orders cannot be fulfilled at a location. Each exception reason is associated with an exception type. When entering an exception on a fulfillment request, you select an exception type first, and then select the exception reason.

Exception types cannot be modified and are limited to picking, picking up, packing, and shipping, each of which corresponds to a step in the fulfillment process. The picking up exception type is only available when the Store Pickup feature is enabled.

Here are some examples of fulfillment exception reasons. Note that each exception reason is dependent on an exception type.

Exception Type

Exception Reason


Out Of Stock



Pickup Up

Customer No Show

Picking Up

Items Not As Expected

To create a fulfillment exception reason:

  1. Go to Setup > Order Management > Fulfillment Preferences > Fulfillment Exception Reasons > New.

  2. Enter a name for the exception reason. The name will appear in the list of possible exception reasons on the fulfillment request record.

  3. Select an exception type that corresponds with the fulfillment step.

  4. Enter a description.

    Optionally, you can get writing help for the Description field from our generative AI service, NetSuite Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information about using this capability, see Text Enhance.

  5. Click Save.

To view a list of all fulfillment exception reasons, go to Setup > Order Management > Fulfillment Preferences > Fulfillment Exception Reasons. To make an exception reason inactive, open the relevant fulfillment exception reason record and check the Inactive box.

To delete an exception reason, go to Setup > Order Management > Fulfillment Preferences > Fulfillment Exception Reasons, click View next to the reason and then click Delete under Actions. You can only delete an exception reason if it is currently not assigned to a fulfillment request.

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