Using Effective Dating with Other NetSuite Features
When the Effective Dating feature is enabled, there are NetSuite limitations with some functionality.
Overriding Future Changes
Any effective-dated change, whether past, present, or future, overrides any future-dated changes relative to the change being made.
Impact of Effective Dating on Employee Workflows and SuiteScripts
With the Effective Dating feature enabled:
When you change the current version of an employee record, NetSuite executes all workflows and scripts that are triggered by employee record changes.
When you make a past-dated change to an employee record, NetSuite does not execute workflows and scripts that normally are triggered by employee record changes.
When you make a future-dated change, the system does not immediately execute workflows and scripts that normally are triggered by employee record changes. These workflows and scripts are run when the date specified in the future-dated change arrives.
Any change that you make to the employee record will conflict with any future-dated changes that are dated after the change you making now. If you make this change in the user interface, the system displays a window showing the conflicts and prompting you to confirm them. With workflows and scripts, the future-dated change is automatically overridden. For example, you change an employee’s department from Sales to Marketing as of January 1, 2021. Then, you change that employee’s department from Sales to HR as of today. The future-dated change from Sales to Marketing is overridden.
Every effective-dated change requires a change reason. If a workflow or script does not provide a change reason, a default change reason is provided. This is to ensure that the workflow or script does not fail. For information about providing a change reason while scripting, see Using Effective Dating with Employee Workflows and SuiteScripts. Here is a list of the default change reasons provided:
CSV Import Change -This employee's information has been changed using CSV import.
New Employee Record -This employee is new to the SuitePeople system.
Web Service Change -This employee's information has been changed using SOAP web services.
SuiteScript Change -This employee's information has been changed using SuiteScript.
Employee Self-Change - This employee’s information has been changed by this employee.
Giving Employees Access and Assigning Roles
When you give an employee access to NetSuite, you check the Give Access box on the Access subtab of their employee record. Then, you assign a role to the employee, and make sure that the employee's email address is accurate so that NetSuite can contact them. These fields are not effective-dated. If you change any of these settings, the change takes effect immediately, even if you do so as part of an effective-dated change. For more information, see Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite and Assigning Roles to an Employee.
Updating an Employee’s Supervisor
When you change an employee's supervisor on their employee record, you can then go to the Human Resources > Supervisor Change Hist. subtab and change the effective date for this change. This is not governed by the Effective Dating feature.
Payroll Effective Dates
If you are using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, note that the Payroll tab on the employee record has several fields that have an Effective Date and an Expiration Date. These values are not governed by the SuitePeople Effective Dating feature. These fields include: Earnings, Deductions, Company Contributions, and Accrued Time.
Advanced Employee Permissions Feature
The following permission requirements are required when you use the Effective Dating feature with the Advanced Employee Permissions feature enabled.
To view effective dating changes, a role must be assigned the Employee Effective Dating permission, and the Employees, Employee Confidential, or Employee Administration permission.
By default, only the Employee Effective Dating permission gives access to the effective dating logs and the employee change search. However, you can customize any of the employee permissions to include effective dating logs. Note the following about users assigned to a role with a customized employee permission that includes effective dating logs. These users see only what they have access to see, based on the permissions assigned to the role. For example, a role with the Employee Confidential permission will see effective dating logs only for their direct reports and below.
For more information about the Advanced Employee Permissions feature, see Advanced Employee Permissions Overview.
Employee Change Requests Feature
Before you enable the Employee Change Requests feature, you must also enable the Effective Dating feature. The Effective Dating feature impacts employee change requests in the following ways:
When you create an employee change request type, you must select an employee change reason. This is the employee change reason that will be used to make approved future-dated changes to an employee’s record.
When you create an employee change request, you must select a proposed future-date. This is the date the approved changes will be applied to an employee’s record. Fields that are approved to change appear on the Effective Date Log subtab on the employee’s record.
For more information about the Employee Change Requests feature, see Employee Change Requests.