Monitoring the API Version Usage of SOAP Web Services
The SOAP Web Services API Version Usage portlet displays the total SOAP web service requests for each API version. These versions are color-coded according to their level of support. This portlet lets you monitor and predict the impact of API changes on your web services.
The API versions are color-coded and classified according to the following levels of support:
Retired – The SOAP web services API is no longer in the system. These versions are no longer supported.
Not Supported – The SOAP web services API is still in the system. But these versions are no longer supported.
Supported – The SOAP web services API exists and can be used. These versions are supported.
Not Released – The SOAP web services API exists and can be used. These versions are not yet released.

For information about how to filter the data for all portlets by date range, see Filtering Data in SOAP Web Services Analysis. You can select any of the preset date ranges, or go to Custom and set the date range you want within the last 30 days.