Monitoring Top SOAP Web Services Operations
The Top SOAP Web Services Operations portlet helps you monitor the performance of the top SOAP-based web services that you ran.
Use this portlet to establish operations-related trends in web services, detect inconsistencies, and make informed decisions when modifying operations.

The Top SOAP Web Services Operations portlet includes overview statistics that show the following:
Users – Shows the total number of users of the top operations.
Total Requests – Shows the total number of requests of the top operations.
Total Errors – Shows the total number of errors when the top operations ran.
Error Rate – Shows the rate by which top operations encountered errors relative to the total number of requests that ran.
Total Records – Shows the total number of records of the top operations.
To see more details about each operation, click a data point. The Web Services Operation Details page appears. For more information, see Viewing SOAP Web Services Operation Details.
The Top SOAP Web Services Operations portlet displays visual data through charts that can display up to 10 operations. The portlet includes the following charts:
Execution Time – This chart shows the median time it takes for each web service operation to execute, in seconds.
Requests – This chart shows the total number of requests for each operation, stacked to show the finished and failed counts.
Error Rate – This chart shows the percentage of error for each operation.
Records – This combination chart overlays total records per operation with total records per minute.