Viewing an Employee’s Time-Off Balance
To view an employee’s time-off balance, go to Lists >Employees > Employees. On the Employees list, click View next to the employee whose time-off balance you want to check. Click the Time-Off subtab to view a summary of an employee’s time-off balance for the entire year.
The Available Now subtab displays how much time off an employee has left, and how much they have used and scheduled for the current year. This subtab includes:
Available This Year -If the Days Available Includes Future Accruals box on the Time-Off Plan page is checked, note the following. The time-off plan includes all future accruals and manual increases and decreases for the current year. For more information, see Time-Off Plans.
Used This Year -The amount of time off that has been used as of the current date.
Scheduled This Year -The amount of time off that has been requested and approved, but not yet taken.
Available Now -The total remaining time off for the current year.
The Balances subtab displays an employee’s available balance as of the current date. This balance is based on the accruals and carry over rules defined in the time-off plan. This subtab includes:
Carried Over -The amount of time off that has carried over as of the current date.
Accrued -The amount of time off that has accrued as of the current date.
Used -The amount of used time off.
Expired Carryover -The amount of time off that has expired as of the current date.
Balance -Displays the balance as of the current date based on the amount of time carried over, accrued, used, and any expired carry over.
Related Topics
- Time-Off Management Overview
- Prerequisites for Using Time-Off Management
- Time-Off Management Setup
- Time-Off Management Integration With SuitePeople U.S. Payroll
- Time-Off Changes
- Submitting Time-Off Requests on Behalf of Employees as an Administrator
- Approving or Rejecting a Time-Off Request as an Administrator
- Time-Off Management for Employees or Managers
- Time-Off Reports
- Time-Off Management