Creating Locations for Ship Central
Create locations to which you can associate items and orders. If you ship items out of a location, provide its complete address details, including the attention line, addressee, and phone number.
Before you can pack or ship orders through the app, you must choose a location. The app filters the orders that you can pack or ship by location. When you print shipping labels, Ship Central obtains the ship from address from a location's address details. If you set the preference for returns, it also obtains your return address from this record. For more information, see Shipping Address Validation.
To create or update location records through the Import Assistant, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant or Location Import.
To create locations for Ship Central:
Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations > New.
On the Location page, set the following fields:
In the Name field, enter a unique identifier for the location.
(Optional) To associate bins with this location, check the Use Bins box.
Creating locations that use bins alters specific flows within the packing process. You can activate system rules that could further modify flows for locations with bins. For more information, see Configuring Ship Central Rules.
On the Address subtab, do the following:
Next to the Address field, click Edit to open the address popup window.
If you want to enter a different address for returns, next to the Return Address field, click Edit to open the address popup window.
Set values in all the address fields, as well as the Attention, Addressee, and Phone fields.
To set other location fields, see Creating Locations.
If you want to provide additional addresses to the location, see Adding Location Addresses with Address Validation.
Click Save.