FAQ: SuiteApprovals
See the following questions and answers for information about the SuiteApprovals SuiteApp.
Does SuiteApprovals SuiteApp support the saved search filters -Mine -or -Me -?
No, SuiteApprovals does not support these saved search filters because it generates different action owners and may affect the applicable approval rule selection.
For more information about action owner, see Viewing Approval History.
How does SuiteApprovals determine if an employee is a valid approver using an email address?
When an employee initiates an approve or reject action through email, the SuiteApp goes through the following process to check if the employee is a valid approver:
The SuiteApp searches for employees that matches the email address.
Note:Multiple employee records with the same email address are supported.
If the first matched employee is an Administrator, the SuiteApp selects the employee and will not proceed with the succeeding steps. If the selected employee is not a valid approver, the SuiteApp will deny the employee's approve or reject action on the record.
If the first matched employee is not an Administrator, the SuiteApp continues to filter employees.
The SuiteApp filters the employees using these criteria in the following order:
Is the employee record active?
Does the employee have access to NetSuite?
Does the employee have permission to view the record that requires approval?
Does the employee have access to the subsidiary of the record that requires approval?
If the filter identifies multiple employees, the SuiteApp selects the employee that matches the value of the Next Approver/s field in the transaction record.
If no matches are found, the employee who initiated the approve or reject action will receive an invalid response email.
Can I modify approval rules through CSV import?
No, SuiteApprovals does not allow approval rule updates through CSV import. You can edit approval rules through the NetSuite user interface only.
For more information about editing approval rules, see Copying or Editing Approval Rules.
When updating transactions through CSV import, can these transactions be rerouted for approval?
No, the SuiteApp does not support reapprovals if transactions are updated through CSV import, script, or workflow. A transaction may be processed for reapproval only if it is updated through the NetSuite user interface.