
On the employment page, you can terminate and re-hire employees, reassign their primary location, and add and remove locations they can work at.

Primary Location

The employee’s primary location is sometimes referenced as their “home location.” This is the location that will automatically be imported from the mapped field on their employee record in NetSuite. When employees request availability changes or submit leave requests (if using Leave in WFM), it will go to the manager(s) of their primary location.

Can work at

This is a list of locations the employee can punch in or be scheduled to work.

To add or remove locations the employee can work at, click Edit.

When editing, the box on the right will list locations they can work at. The box on the left shows locations you can view and add to the employees. You'll only see locations you have access to. If you're trying to add a location you can't see here, you will need to ask someone with higher access to add this to your account or add this to the employees on behalf of you.

Staff Details - Employment - Can work at

Multi-add locations or groups

If you can see categories or groups, you're able to allocate all locations in these groups to an employee.

When editing the can work at, there's an option underneath the location boxes:

Staff Details - Location

This will list categories and groups you have access to view. In the screenshot, we have a group for each state. You can "Add all" locations from a group to an employee. This is useful if employees can work at any location in that group.

You can continue expanding the hierarchy to add all locations from a specific group:

Staff Details - Location

Beside each group, the number of locations in the group appears, along with how many of those are allocated to the employees.

To add the locations to the selection boxes above, click "add all". You can fine-tune this selection and remove any if required before saving.

Terminating a WFM employee

You terminate employees from the Employees page. From the Workforce Management tab, go to Setup > Employees > List.


Employee terminations and rehires will sync automatically from the NetSuite employee record. If you believe you need the ability the add or terminate employees within WFM, please contact your Account Manager.

To terminate an employee:

  1. From the Workforce Management tab, go to Setup > Employees > List.

  2. Click the ID number of the employee you want to terminate.

  3. Click Terminate employment.

    Staff Details - Terminate
  4. When prompted, enter a Termination date and a Reason for termination. Click Terminate employment.

    Staff Details - Terminated

Ensure that the termination date is correct, as this can not be changed.

After the person is terminated, they will appear in WFM until that date is reached.

You can also re-employ an employee if they leave and come back. Examples include seasonal employees or students.

Re-employing a Terminated Employee


Employee terminations and rehires will sync automatically from the NetSuite employee record. If you believe you need the ability the add or terminate employees within WFM, please contact your Account Manager.

To re-employee a terminated employee from the Workforce Management tab, go to Setup > Employees > List.

Select Only terminated staff from the dropdown list. Click on the person's name to open their details.

Click on the Employment tab.

On this page, you will be able to re-employ the employee.


Employee terminations and rehires will sync automatically from the NetSuite employee record. If you believe you need the ability the add or terminate employees within WFM, please contact your Account Manager.

Staff Details - Re-Employ Staff Details - Re-employ

Updating an employee's primary location

An employee's primary location is the roster unit where they were employed, will receive the most shifts, and where their manager is possibly located.

To change or add a primary location:

  1. On the employee's page, click Locations.

  2. Beside Primary Location, click Edit.

  3. In the Location dropdown list, select a location.

  4. Select a date from the Effective from calendar.

  5. To delete a location, click the Delete button beside it.

  6. To add a location, click the Add new button.

  7. To save these settings and continue working, click Save. To save the settings and close these settings, click Save & Close.

General Notices