Term Breaks in WFM for ESS Extended


The Term Break feature is available to customers who currently have the Employee Self-Service (ESS) Extended feature set up.

ESS Extended feature is available only to accounts where it is already provisioned. It is not included with the current SuitePeople WFM solution.

The purpose of this package is to allow employees on a visa to enter proof of course breaks.

Term Break Permitted Hours

An employee on a student visa for example, may only be able to work 20 hours per week while their course is in session.

In the employee’s WFM wage profile, their maximum hours may be set to 20 per week (meaning they can not be scheduled greater than 20 hours per week, otherwise this breaches the conditions of their visa).

When the employee has course holidays, they may be permitted to work a greater amount of hours than this. Term break automatically over-ride the ‘maximum hours’ field set in WFM for that employee, for that period of time.

The employee can add in their periods of holidays they are applying for, including their proof of enrollment & proof of holidays (eg course or university timetable). The request will notify payroll users within WFM. And after they review the proof given, can apply the Term break.

Over these holiday periods, the employee will not be restricted to the maximum hours set in their profile.

Term break overrides allow an employee to temporarily adjust their hourly work targets. This can be used so that overseas students who are legally prevented from exceeding a certain number of hours during term, may increase their holiday hourly target, after submitting the relevant documentation.

Term Break Weekly Schedule

Term Break requests need to be for a full schedule week.

For example, if your schedule is Monday to Sunday, the request needs to apply starting on a Monday and ending on a Sunday.

Accessing Term Breaks

You can access the visa for your employee by selecting their profile from your Employee List and heading to Visa Details. Term breaks only appear for employees with a valid visa set up in WFM.

Only the highest levels of access will be able to approve term break requests. Check with (Enter point of contact) if you are unsure of this level of access.

You are able to set managers and primary location managers to receive notifications of requests. These users will receive requests through notifications in WFM, but they cannot approve these requests.

Requesting Term Breaks

To know more about how to create and process term break requests, see Creating Term Break Periods for School Holidays and Pupil-Free Days.

General Notices