Setting up Break Conditions for Region-Based Overrides

After you have set up your region-based override, you can start configuring options to manage premium pay for meal or rest breaks. These breaks may include missed, untimely, shortened, or interrupted breaks.

Guidelines for Handling Noncompliant Break Periods

Before configuring options to handle noncompliant break periods, note the following guidelines:

  • WFM applies an hour of pay at the employee’s base hourly rate and does not consider premium pay or other types of compensations, such as commissions and nondiscretionary bonuses. You must manage and incorporate other types of compensation in your payroll solution, if applicable.

  • When applicable, the employee’s base hourly rate of pay is added per workday for each unpaid meal break.

  • Waiving meal breaks by mutual consent of both the employer and the employee is not covered in WFM and must be managed manually outside the system.

To configure options for noncompliant breaks:

  1. Open the region-based override. See Accessing Region-Based Wages or Overrides

  2. Create the condition.

    1. On the region-based override page, click the Conditions subtab.

    2. Click + Create new Condition….

      The New Condition form appears.

    3. In the Name field, enter the name of the missed break condition.

    4. From the Type list, select Allowance or Penalty.

    5. In the Total daily time worked field, enter the range of work hours that apply for this condition.

  3. Set the break requirements.

    1. Go to the Break requirements fields.

    2. Select the break type, either paid or unpaid.

    3. Enter the number of minutes representing the length of the prescribed break.

    4. Enter the number of hours that employees will work before taking prescribed breaks.

    5. Based on the hours you entered, select the fraction and timing when the break will be required.

  4. (Optional) If you need to create separate rules for various types of noncompliant breaks, create separate conditions for different break types.

  5. Complete any other fields relevant to your needs. Click Save.

  6. Create the allowance.

    1. Click the Allowances subtab.

    2. Click + New allowance….

    3. On the Create new allowance window, from the Condition field, select Missed Meal Break (allowance).

    4. Choose the basis for the payment.

      • In the Amount field, enter the amount to be paid.

      • In the at current base rate field, enter the number of hours that will be multiplied to the employee’s base rate.

    5. In the Employment status section, check the statuses of employees who can receive missed break payments.

    6. Click Create.

General Notices