Managing Multipliers

Multipliers are penalty rates that are multiplied with the employee rate to adjust their shift payment based on specified conditions.

For example, conditions for holidays can be set up with a multiplier of 150% so employees are paid 1.5 times their base hourly rate for holiday work.

For a condition to apply to time worked, a multiplier for the corresponding condition must be created.

To set up a multiplier:

  1. Open the region-based override. See Accessing Region-Based Wages or Overrides.

  2. Click the Multipliers subtab.

  3. Click + New multiplier….

  4. On the Create new Multiplier window, complete the fields.

    • Condition – Select the condition that applies to the multiplier.

    • Employment status – Check the boxes for all statuses that can receive the multiplier.

    • Rate – Enter the rate that will be multiplied to employee rates when the associated condition is applied.

  5. Click Create.

General Notices