Labor and Machine Start Stop Setup

Labor and Machine Start Stop Setup Workflow

The following image displays the Manufacturing Mobile SuiteApp Labor and Machine Start Stop Setup workflow:

Labor and Machine Start Stop Setup Flow

You can only run the setup one time for each operation.

Labor and Machine Start Stop Run Operation Workflow

The following image displays the Manufacturing Mobile SuiteApp Labor and Machine Start Stop Setup workflow:

Labor and Machine Start Stop Run Flow
  • You can only run an operation after the Setup Workflow is complete.

  • When you select Auto Start Run in your work center preferences, the Run automatically starts after Setup ends.

  • There is no limit on the number of times you can run an operation.

Labor and Machine Start Stop Prerequisites

To calculate and capture the machine and labor time of an operation setup or run, enter the operation Setup Time (measure in minutes) or Run Rate (measured in minutes or units).

For example, Setup Time could be 20 minutes. Run Rate could be 60 units or 45 minutes.

For more information, see Manufacturing Mobile Preferences.

To enable the Mfg Mobile Preferences record:

  1. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Preferences > Mfg Mobile – Preferences.

  2. In the Mfg Mobile – Preferences List , beside the preference you want to enable, click Edit.

  3. In the Mfg Mobile – Preferences page, check the Enable Start–Stop Feature for Work Order box.

  4. Click Save.

To set up work center preferences:

  1. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Preferences > Mfg Mobile – Work Center Preferences > New.

  2. Select a Work Center.

  3. Check the Inactive box to remove all references to this record from your account.

  4. Set your work center by enabling some or all of the following fields:

    1. Check the Capture Actual Times box to record setup and run duration.

    2. Check the Badge–In Required box to allow operators to badge–in.

      At least one operator must be badged into the work center to begin the setup or run process.

      This box is enabled when the Capture Times box is checked.

    3. Check the Auto Badge Out box to enable operators to badge into another work center and be automatically badged out from the current work center.

    4. Check the AutoStart Run box to automatically start run time starts when the operation setup is complete. If no setup is required for the operation, start run time manually.

      This box is enabled when the Capture Times box is checked.

    5. Check the Process Actual Machine Time box to process machine setup and run duration instead of the standard machine time for each routing operation setup.

      Actual Machine Time is the sum of Operation InProgress time + Chargeable Pause duration.

      This box is enabled when the Capture Times box is checked.

    6. Check the Process Actual Labor Time box to process labor setup and run duration instead of the standard labor time for each routing operation setup.

      Actual Labor Time is the sum of Badge–In time when operation is InProgress + Badge–In time when operation is paused with a chargeable reason.

      This box is enabled when the Capture Times box is checked.

    7. Check the Labor Badge–In box to calculate labor time using badged–in data. If badged–in data is not available, the system use machine time as labor time.

      This box is enabled when the Capture Times box is checked.

    8. Check the Disable Consumption box to prevent operators from recording consumption at the work center.

    9. Check the Disable Production box to prevent operators from recording production at the work center.

    10. Check the Disable Scrap box to prevent operators will from recording scrap at the work center.

  5. Click Save.

To setup badges:

  1. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Badge Ids > New.

  2. Enter a badge id Name.

  3. Check the Inactive box to remove all references to this record from your account.

  4. In the Badge Details subtab, click New Mfg Mobile – Badge Details.

  5. In the From Date field, select the date this badge becomes active.

  6. In the To Date field, select the date the badge stops being active.

  7. Select the name of the Employee you are assigning this badge to.

    You cannot create a badge without an employee name.

  8. Click Save.

To setup downtime pause reason codes:

  1. Go to

  2. Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Downtime Reason Codes > New.

  3. In the Mfg Mobile – Pause Reason Codes page, enter a Reason Code.

    For example, lunch Break or machine maintenance.

  4. Check the Inactive box to remove all references to this record from your account.

  5. Enter a Description of the pause reason code.

  6. Check the Chargeable – Machine box to record this pause as chargeable machine time.

  7. Check the Chargeable – Labor box to record this pause as chargeable labor time.

  8. Click Save.

To setup downtime pause reason details:

  1. Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Downtime Reason Details > New.

  2. In the Mfg Mobile – Pause Reason Details page, select a Reason.

    For example, material shortage or power outage.

  3. Select the Location that you want to apply this reason detail to.

  4. Select the Work Center that you want to apply this reason detail to.

    The Description field is automatically populated from the downtime reason code.

  5. Click Save.

To badge–in or out:

  1. In the Manufacturing Mobile App, in the Work Options or Select Operation page, tap the badge icon.

  2. Scan or Enter a Badge ID.

    The Enter Id Number popup window displays the following information:

    • Total In represents the number of operators currently in at the work center.

    • Last ID Scanned displays the last scanned badge ID.

    • Status shows whether the badge is scanned in.

  3. Tap Enter.


The system allows you to badge in only when the badge id is active based on the badge from to dates.

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