Manufacturing Mobile Auto-Issue

You can use the Manufacturing Mobile Auto-Issue feature when you only need to backflush components in the work order after assembly item production is finished.

If the BackFlush All Components box is checked in the work order, then all the components will be backflushed by default. If the work order contains a serial component, other components cannot be backflushed using BackFlush All Components.

Auto-Issue enables you to backflush other components in the work order and consume serial items manually using the Manufacturing Mobile scanner interface for work orders with serial components.


Manufacturing Mobile Auto-Issue is not supported for serial components in a work order.

Add an Output Parameter to Auto–Issue a Work Orders

Use this process for the existing cloned process. You do not need to follow this process when working with the standard and newly cloned process.

To add an output parameter to Auto–Issue a work order:

  1. From to the Mobile – Page Page Elements subtab, click the page element link action you want to auto-issue.

    For example, shopFloor_selectWorkOrder.

  2. In the Mobile – Page Element page, click the On Row Click Action field link.

  3. In the Mobile -Action page, Output Parameters subtab, beside the WOAutoIssued parameter, click Edit.

  4. In the selectWorkOrder Mobile – Page Page Elements subtab, click the selectWorkOrder_selectWorkOrderBtn action button.

  5. In the Mobile – Page Element page, click the On Click Action link.

  6. To add the output parameter to the mobile app, go to Setup-Custom->Mobile-Applications.

  7. Beside MFGMOBILE, click Update App.

  8. In the Output Parameters subtab, the output parameter Response Key displays: “isWoAutoIssued.”

To mass update the MM Backflush field in a BOM Revision/Assembly::

  1. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Saved Searches > click MMobile -Assembly Component Search.

    If you are using an Advanced BOM enabled account, the Mfg Mobile -BOM Revision Component Search Results page lists all the components of the BOM Revisions for selected account.

  2. To export all components, click the Export -CSV icon ().

  3. Select where on your computer you want to download the CSV file.

  4. Double-click the .csv file to review the exported components.

  5. In.csv file, add a custom column named Auto-Issue

  6. To designate components for auto-issue, enter T beside the component.

    Alternatively, to not designate a component for auto-issue, beside the components enter F.

  7. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

    To learn more, see CSV Imports Overview.

  8. Complete the Import Assistant.

    1. Complete the Scan & Upload CSV File tab:

      1. In the Import Type field, select Custom Records.

      2. Select a Record Type.

        For example,MfgMobile – Update Auto-issue.

      3. In the Character Encoding field, select Unicode (UTF-8).

      4. In the CSV Files(s) section select One file to upload.

      5. Click Select.

      6. Upload the CSV file you want to import and then click Next.

    2. In Import Options tab, Data Handling section select Add and then click Next.

    3. Review the Field Mapping tab and then click Next.

  9. In Save mapping & Start Import tab, enter an Import Map Name.

  10. Click Save & Run.

To mass update MM-backflush for components in the Assembly/BOM Revision using MR script:

  1. Go to Customization > List/Record fields > Record Types.

  2. To view CSV Custom records, go to MMobile – Update Auto-Issue List.

  3. Beside the record you want to view, click Edit.

  4. To check custom records have been uploaded from the CSV file, go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  5. In the Filters section, in the Type list, select Map/Reduce.

  6. Beside the Mfg Mobile -Update Auto Issue NonBOM MR script, click View.

    If you are using an Advanced BOM enabled account, beside the Mfg Mobile -Update Auto-Issue MR script, click View.

  7. In the Script page, click Edit.

  8. In the Deployments subtab, click script link.

  9. In the Script Deployments page, click Edit.

  10. In the Parameters subtab you can optionally select the assembly you want to apply the MM-backflush update to its components.

    Select the BOM and BOM Revision you want to apply the MM-Backflush update to their components.

    Alternatively, you can check the Apply Update for All BOM Revisions box to apply the MM-Backflush update to all BOM revisions with custom records.

  11. Click Save.

  12. In the Script Deployment page, click Save and Execute.

  13. To process the records, in the Map/Reduce Status page, click Refresh.

    Updated records are displayed in MfgMobile -Update Auto-Issue List.

    To view the results, in the Assembly/BOM, in the Purchasing/Inventory subtab, Components tab. If auto-issue was applied to the component, the MM-Backflush column beside the item will display Yes.

    If no script parameters were included in the M/R script, an error message appears.

Manufacturing Mobile Updating Auto–Issue

Auto issue will not work for existing cloned processes. You need to add a separate para after the backflush bullets.

To process more than 5,000 records, you should run the auto issue map reduce script multiple times.

To complete the Mfg Mobile Auto-Issue page:

  1. To remove all references to this record from your account, check the Inactive box.

  2. Select the Component you want to backflush.

  3. Select the Assembly item the component is being used in.

  4. Select the related Bill of Materials.

  5. Select the BOM Revision.

  6. Enter the component Line ID in the Assembly/BOM Revision.

  7. To automatically issue this component, check the Auto-Issue box.

  8. The MR Script automatically checks the Processed box when MM-backflush value is successful updated for component in assembly from custom the record.

    When the Processed box is cleared, it could indicate one of the following:

    • There was an error during processing of this custom record.

    • The was an abnormal MR script termination.

  9. Error or warning messages encountered during processing of MR script to update auto issue for the component in this record are displayed Processing Message.

  10. Click Save.

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