Generating Traveler Reports

The Generate Traveler page generates the work instructions and traveler report. Using the fields under Filter by section, you can narrow down the required work orders that need to be included in the report.

To generate a traveler report

  1. From the Location list, select a location for which you want to filter the work orders.

  2. (Optional) To filter down the work orders, provide values for the required fields:

    • From the Assembly Item list, select the assembly item for which you want to filter the work orders.


      The SuiteApp does not work with item names that contain:

      • Double quotation marks-You can use two single quotation marks instead of double quotation marks.

      • Accented characters-You can use usual English alphabets instead of accented characters.

    • From the Status list, select the status for which you want to filter the work orders.

    • In the Work Order field, enter the work order number.


      Entering a work order number in this field will disable other fields except Select All Orders.

    • In the Start Date field, enter the start date.

    • In the End Date field, enter the end date.

    • From the Template list, select a template for the report. The field is populated with the template selected in the Traveler Preferences page. However, you can select the template based on your business need.

    • From the Work Order Saved Search list, you can select a saved search for which you want to filter the work orders.


      Follow the below points for Work Order Saved Search list.

      • Selecting a saved search in this field will disable other fields, except Select All Orders.

      • The SuiteApp provides a work order saved search Traveler Work Order Search by default.

      • If the saved search criteria type is not of work order, then the saved search results will be blank.

    • Check the Include Printed Orders box to include all work orders including the work orders that have been printed.

  3. Click Search.

    The Filter by section collapses automatically, and you can now view the filtered work orders and their associated details in the Work Orders sublist based on the selection in the above fields.

  4. (Optional) Check the Select All Orders box to include all work orders in the Work Orders sublist.

  5. Click Generate & Print to generate and print the report for the selected work orders.

After the report generation process is completed, the report with selected work orders in Work Orders sublist opens in a new browser tab.

Viewing Report of Each Work Order

You can view the traveler report for each work order individually using the below steps.

To view report of each work order

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Go to the folder based on the location given in the Report Directory field in the traveler preferences record.

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