Import Work Instructions

You can import the work instructions by mapping the fields in the manufacturing routing record of the Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp with the mappings in the CSV file. For more information about importing CSV files, read Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

While importing the CSV file, you must select the following options on the Import Assistant-Scan & Upload CSV File page:


You must check the Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows box on the Import Options page of the Import Assistant. For more information, read Set Advanced CSV Import Options.

Refer the following table to map the fields.

CSV Column Names

Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp Fields

BOM (Name of the Bill of Materials)

Bill of Materials (BOM)



Routing (Name of the routing record)

Manufacturing Routing

Operation Seq (Operation sequence column value under Routing Steps subtab on the routing record)

Operation ID (Required)

Print Image

Print Image

Process Notes

Process Notes

Sequence (Sequence number of work instructions)


The sequence numbering for list of work instructions must be a positive number.

Sequence Number (Required)

Work Instructions

Work Instructions (Required)



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General Notices