Creating a Commission Matrix

The header row of the schedule's matrix changes depending on how you set up the commission basis and calculation options. For example, calculating commission as a flat rate uses a single bracket for each category on which you pay commission. A linear or marginal schedule can have more than one bracket to permit different rates for successive sales amounts or levels of quota fulfillment.

For more information on setting up a matrix, see Commission Calculation Options.

The Maximum Commission Brackets preference governs the number of columns in your commission matrix. Go to Setup > Sales > Sales Management > Commissions.

  1. In the fields in the header of the schedule matrix, enter quantities to define the commission brackets.

  2. In each column, enter the commission amount awarded for each category in each bracket.

Save the Schedule

  1. Check the Automatically Create Plan box to have NetSuite create a commission plan that includes this schedule when you save this schedule.

  2. Click Save.

You can include this commission schedule in a commission plan that you assign to your partners. To create commission plans, go to Lists > Commissions > Partner Plans > New.

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