Importing Transaction Distribution Template CSV
You can use a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to import a distribution template in the account.
The following template and sample CSV file for importing distribution templates is provided in the File Cabinet:
File name: DistributionTemplateCustomImport.csv
Path in File Cabinet: SuiteApps > com.netsuite.vendorinvoicedistribution > app > csvFiles
To import a distribution template CSV:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Transaction Distribution Template CSV.
Click New Transaction Distribution Template CSV.
In the Name field, enter a name for your distribution template CSV.
From the Distribution Template CSV File list, select a CSV file.
To import a CSV file from your local computer, click +.
Click Save.
When importing a distribution template CSV file, consider the following:
Values for the following fields must be Y or N only:
Use Source Accounts
Use Source Custom Segments
Use Source Class
Use Source Department
Use Source Location
Distribute Taxes
Values for the following columns must be entered in the Parent: Child: Value format. To make the value unique and prevent CSV import errors, you must include the parent level.
Source Subsidiary
Destination Subsidiary
The SuiteApp currently does not support the use of comma (,) in any columns available in the Distribution Template CSV. You must ensure to not have commas in the column names.