Working with Item Creation Records
Item creation records store the information about the items that may be created when users submit the configuration.
To work with item creation records, follow these steps:
Enter the information about the new item. For more information, see Entering Information about the New Item.
Set up the item creation record rule. For more information, see Setting Up the Item Creation Record Rule.
Define how you want to handle the presence of existing items. For more information, see Handling Existing Items.
Set values for item fields. For more information, see Setting Values for Item Fields.
Set the price for the items that require it. For more information, see Setting Pricing.
After completing all the steps, save the item creation record.
You can work with item creation records and perform these steps by going to CPQ > Configurator > Product Maintenance. Open a product for editing and click the Item Creation subtab.
Additionally, you can add components to the item types that require them and add items to subscription plans. For more information, see Adding Components to Items and Adding Items to Subscription Plans.
New items are created in batches to optimize performance. If you want to create a limited number of items one by one, go to the options record at CPQ > Configurator > Settings. Under the Submit subtab, check the Serial Item Creation box and click Save. After submitting the configuration, the progress bar on the product user interface will display more detailed information about the items that are being created.
To copy or delete item creation records, see Working with Product Building Blocks.
Entering Information about the New Item
On the item creation record, you can manually enter information about the new item to be created. Alternatively, you can copy the information of an existing item. For more information, see Entering Information about the New Item Manually and Entering Information by Copying an Existing Item.
Entering Information about the New Item Manually
To create a new item required by a configuration, select an item type on the item creation record, assign a name or number to the new item, and provide a sequence number. The sequence number determines the order in which items will be created when users submit the configuration.
Items with a lower sequence number are created before items with a higher sequence number. For example, an item related to an item creation record with sequence number 1 will be created before an item related to an item creation record with sequence number 2.
Components of assemblies, kits/groups, and packages, or items part of subscription plans must have a lower sequence number than their parent item to be created first. If you enter the sequence numbers incorrectly, their order is automatically rearranged to create child items before their parent items.
If you want to use the new item within the configuration, you must specify the answer where to store its internal ID. The answer must be an input box text field, and you must create it before setting up the item creation record. Then, you can include the question and answer codes in a resolve expression {Q/A} to obtain the internal ID. For example, you can use the resolve expression in NetSuite CPQ functions or enter it as a field value to add the internal ID to transaction fields with mapping records. For more information about input box text answers and resolve expressions, see Input Box Questions, see Input Box Questions and Obtaining Answer Data with Resolve Expressions.
To enter information about the new item manually:
On the Item Creation subtab, click New CPQC Item Creation.
Enter a descriptive name for the item creation record.
Provide a sequence number.
You can enter a negative or positive number. For example, -2 or 5.
Select the item type.
The item types available in the list depend on your account.
In the Item ID (SKU) field, enter the item name or number that you want to assign to the new item.
Note:You can also obtain the item name or number from answers on the product interface by using resolve expressions. For example, {A/1}. Question and answer codes are replaced with the corresponding answer value.
In the Write ID to QA field, select the answer that will store the internal ID of the new item.
Answers are presented as a combination of questions and answers codes.
Entering Information by Copying an Existing Item
With item creation records, you can create an item required by the configuration by copying the information from an existing item. The existing item is called template item and works as the basis for the newly created item. Using the template item data, you can set only the fields that you want to change without manually entering data for all item fields.
On the item creation record, you can select the item you want to copy or obtain the item name or number from a user selection on the interface with resolve expressions. Then, you add a suffix to the name or number of the copied item to make it unique or assign a new name or number to the new item.
To copy an existing item:
On the Item Creation subtab, click New CPQC Item Creation.
Enter a descriptive name for the item creation record.
Provide a sequence number.
You can enter a negative or positive number. For example, -2 or 5.
To identify the item you want to copy, two options are available:
In the Template Item field, select an existing item.
In the Template Item from QA field, enter a resolve expression to obtain the item name or number from answers on the product interface.
Use question and answer codes separated by the forward slash character and enclosed in curly braces. For example, {A/1}. NetSuite CPQ finds the item name or number by replacing question and answer codes with the corresponding answer value. You can also add characters to generate the final item name or number. For example, {A/1}-XXX-{B/2}-XX.
To create a unique identifier for the new item, two options are available:
In the Item ID (SKU) Suffix field, add a suffix to the existing item name or number.
In the Item ID (SKU) field, enter a new name or number.
In the Write ID to QA field, select the answer that will store the internal ID of the new item.
Answers are presented as a combination of questions and answers codes.
Setting Up the Item Creation Record Rule
After entering the information for the new item, set up the item creation rule to determine whether the new item will be created.
After users submit the configuration, the new item is created if the item creation rule matches the answers that users have selected on the product interface. If the new item will be used as a material or additional item, the linked material or additional item rule must also match answers selected by users.
To set up the item creation rule, go to the Rules subtab on the item creation record opened for editing.
In the Show Rule field, provide the question and answer combination that determines whether the new item will be created.
Enter question and answer codes separated by the forward slash character. For example, A/1. Use operators to combine multiple question and answer sets. For example, A/1&B/2. For more information, see Activating Building Blocks with Rules.
Handling Existing Items
When creating a new item, the item name or number you choose may already be assigned to another item. During the item creation record setup, you can define how to proceed when finding an existing item.
If an item with the same name or number exists, you can decide to skip creating a new one, update the existing item, or assign a different item name or number to the new item.
Select your preferred option in the Existing Item Handling field:
Don't create – Does not create a new item when the same name or number exists. This is the default option.
Update the existing item – Updates the existing item with the new information from the item creation record.
Create item with new SKU – Creates the new item by automatically assigning a five-digit suffix to the name or number of the existing item. A hyphen precedes the suffix.
Note:For example, if the item name or number is AB, the new item is assigned AB-00001 as a unique identifier. If this item name or number exists, the new unique identifier is AB-00002, and so on.
Setting Values for Item Fields
After entering the basic information for the new item, you can set item fields on the item creation record. Based on this information, the fields for the new item will be filled in.
If you choose to update an existing item or you are using a template item, item fields will be updated with the new values. Only the fields included on the item creation record will be updated.
You can set item fields under the Fields subtab on the item creation record. Available fields vary depending on the item type you selected. The basic required fields are automatically displayed and cannot be removed. Based on the fields you set, NetSuite CPQ Configurator dynamically determines the additional required fields, the fields to be dimmed, and the fields to be filled in with default values.
Take into account the following:
Sublist data for item records cannot be set or edited, except for sublist data mentioned in the Creating Items Required by the Configuration help topic.
You must fill in all required fields, except if you are using a template item.
To set field values on an item creation record:
On the item creation record opened for editing, go to the Fields subtab, and then the Select Fields subtab.
Click Add.
Select a field from the dropdown list.
To provide a value for the field, two options are available:
In the Select Value column, perform the task the field requires, such as selecting an option, entering a value, or checking a box.
This column shows the fields in the same way as they are displayed on the corresponding item record. For example, you can see a dropdown list, click the dropdown arrow, and select an option.
In the Value column, enter a resolve expression, such as {A/1}. For more information, see Obtaining Answer Data with Resolve Expressions.
When using resolve expressions, the field value cannot be predicted. To dynamically determine related fields, you must also set or select a placeholder value in the Emulated Value column. Otherwise, you may experience issues when setting other fields.
Repeat steps 2 – 4 for each field you want to add.
Setting Pricing
If the price is an available feature for the item type you have selected, you can set the price for the new item on the item creation record. For more information about pricing in NetSuite, see Setting Up Item Pricing.
If you use multiple prices and currencies, NetSuite CPQ Configurator automatically recognizes and mirrors the price levels and currencies in your account. On the item creation record, you can set the base price and alternate price levels in multiple currencies for the item that will be created or updated. For more information about multiple prices and currencies in NetSuite, see Using Multiple Prices or Currencies and Using Multiple Pricing.
NetSuite CPQ Configurator also supports the NetSuite Quantity Pricing feature by applying different prices depending on the number of items sold. For more information, see Using Quantity Pricing.
After creating the item, the price values, the quantities, and the currencies entered in the item creation record are reflected in the price matrix on the Sales/Pricing subtab of the new item record.
To set pricing information:
Go to the Pricing subtab on the item creation record opened for editing.
If you use quantity pricing, enter the number of items required for each quantity-based price break in the Qty fields.
Click the currency subtab for which you want to set prices.
Enter a value for the base price under the Qty 0 column.
If you use quantity pricing, also enter a base price for each quantity-based price break under the remaining Qty columns.
If you use multiple pricing, enter values for each alternate price level under the Qty 0 column.
If you use quantity pricing, fill in the alternative prices for each quantity-based price break under the remaining Qty columns.
Repeat steps 4 – 6 for each available currency.
Click Save.
Adding Components to Items
If you work with assemblies, groups, or kit/packages on an item creation record, you can add components to those items. For more information about these item types, see Groups, Assemblies, and Kit/Packages.
If you create an assembly with advanced BOM, the components are added to the BOM revision record of the newly created item.
The item type or template item type must be an assembly, item group, or kit/package on the item creation record.
As components, you can choose:
an item from NetSuite
an item creation record
a material from the product
Components must be active items and match the subsidiary of the parent item.
An item is active when the Inactive box is not checked. This option is under the System Information subtab on the item record.
When you have multiple materials, you can add all active materials as components of the configurable item. To do this, check the Use all materials as components box on the item creation record. Materials become active when users select answers that match their rule on the product interface. You can find active materials under the Materials option in the Audit menu on the user interface.
To add components to an item:
On the Item Creation subtab, click Edit next to the item creation record you want to modify.
If you work with assemblies with advanced BOM, check the Bill of materials box to view the Components subtab.
Click the Components subtab.
If you want to use only items from NetSuite as components, you can select the items directly in the sublist. Then, enter a quantity and a sequence number, and click Add. Repeat these steps for each component and click Save.
Click the New CPQC ITCR Component button to add product materials or item creation records as components.
If you do not see this button, save the item creation record.
Provide a quantity for this component.
Enter a sequence number to determine the order of this component compared to the rest of the components.
To specify the component, three options are available:
In the From Item field, select an item from NetSuite.
In the From CPQ Material field, select a material from the product.
In this field, you can choose a material linked to an item creation record.
In the From CPQ Created Item field, select an item creation record to create the component when users submit the configuration.
Click Save.