Configuring Mobile Table Elements
Through Mobile Configuration, you can change the default settings of standard tables and each of their columns. Basic settings include the header and column labels, toggle state, and row size. You can copy an existing standard Data Table element and update it to suit your business requirements. You can set up new Data Table, Search Grids, and Transfer Table elements within standard mobile processes.
The following configurations are available based on the type of table element:
New columns for Data Tables and the left side of Transfer Tables to display data of your choice from NetSuite records
Table row colors
Multiple row selection for Transfer Table elements
Copy or clone a standard Data Table element
Autosubmission of data from Data Table elements
Note:You cannot autosubmit data from columns that you add through Mobile Configuration. For more information, see Adding Columns Through Mobile Customization.
If you set up autosubmission for other elements on the same page, the app performs the actions in the following order: (1) action of an autosubmit button that you set as the primary action, (2) action of an autosubmit button, not set as the primary action, (3) default value autosubmission of a text box element, and (4) table autosubmission.
When you create a copy of a standard Data Table element, note the following limitations:
You can load data for the standard columns through a RESTlet or saved search.
You cannot add table columns to your copy of the table.
On the mobile app, cloned tables appear with a copy icon beside the table name.
To configure mobile table elements:
Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile -Applications.
To access the Mobile Configuration page and the specific mobile page that contains the table:
In the Mobile -Applications List, click View next to the mobile app.
In the Mobile -Process List, click Configure next to the standard mobile process.
On the Mobile Configuration page, in the Page field, select the mobile page.
On the Page Element subtab, in the Mobile Page Element field, select the table element.
The Element Settings section displays the fields specific to table elements.
If you want to copy a standard Data Table element, click Clone, and then do the following:
(Optional) To copy a click action used on the standard table, in the Standard Action field, select the action, and then click Clone.
To set up your copy of the table, in the Mobile Page Element field, select the name of your copy.
You can update basic table and column settings, such as the label, display order, and row size.
For more information about basic element settings, see Customizing Mobile Page Elements.
In the following fields, you can enable additional settings that suit your table requirements:
Toggle State – Select the default state of the toggle, which shows and hides the table automatically during the initial page load. Hiding a table by default enables pages to display other elements and their data without waiting for the entire table to load.
Retain Column Filters – Check this box if you want to keep your current table filters applied throughout an active session. It persists your column filters even when you navigate to another page within the mobile process.
For more information, see SCM Mobile Page Elements (Buttons, Fields, Tables) or Filtering Table Data Through Search Tags.
Cache Table Data on Back Navigation – Check this box if you want to cache table data whenever you navigate back to a previous mobile page.
You can set up the following custom actions to replace the default ones for the table:
Note:You can set up actions that perform specific tasks for rows or standard columns. When you create actions for data submission or page navigation, be sure that it does not break the existing process flow.
To copy a standard mobile action, in the Standard Action field, select the action and then click Clone.
Before you clone an action, you can view its record first to review the settings and parameters. To open a record, copy the name from the Standard Action field and then paste it into the global search field.
Alternatively, to create a custom action, beside a Custom Action field, click the plus icon.
For row clicks, in the On Row Click Custom Action field , enter a custom mobile action that you have created for row clicks on this table.
For column clicks on standard columns, on the Table Columns subtab, select a column. In the On Click Custom Action or After Column Click Action RESTlet field, enter a custom mobile action that you have created for this column.
For more information about mobile actions, see Customizing Mobile Actions.
For Data Table elements, to configure autosubmission of data from standard columns, do any of the following:
To autosubmit data from a standard column that has an on click action by default, in the Apply Autosubmit To field, select the key for the column.
To autosubmit data from a standard column that does not have a click action by default, click the Table Columns subtab. In the On Click Custom Action field, assign the mobile action you want to apply to the column, as described in step 6. Then, in the Apply Autosubmit To field, select the key for the standard column.
To autosubmit data from an entire row, in the Apply Autosubmit To field, select Row Click. Optionally, in the On Row Click Custom Action field, you can enter your own mobile action. It may perform additional tasks or include conditions that are automatically triggered during the row click.
Note:To include column data in autosubmission of a row, be sure that you do not set the Visibility Condition field to false. If you set a dynamic value in this field, column data is autosubmitted only when the condition evaluates to true.
Based on your selection, the app autosubmits the data from the column of the first row or the entire first row. For entire rows, the app includes data from columns that you do not show on the table through the Visible Columns options.
For information about autosubmission for other elements, see Setting Up Autoclick for Buttons or Assigning Default Values to Field Elements.
Click Save.
For Transfer Table elements, you can set up the Enable Multiselect Condition field for multiple row selection.
For instructions, see Multiple Row Selection for Transfer Tables.
To set up colors for highlighting rows, see Setting Up Table Row Colors.
On the Custom Columns Configuration subtab, to add columns to supported table element types, see Adding Columns to Table Elements.
On the Row Colors subtab, to set up colors for highlighting rows, see Setting Up Table Row Colors.
After you complete all your table configurations, click Save and Update App.