Setting Up Image Capture or File Upload

On mobile pages, you can add the following icon page elements that provide additional capabilities to a standard or custom mobile process:

When you add these icons, you automatically include the image or document files during submission as you complete the mobile process flow. You can add only one of each icon on the same mobile page.

Review the following lists to verify that you can attach the files to a transaction:

The instructions in this topic apply to both Mobile Customization for custom processes and Mobile Configuration for standard processes. It begins on the Mobile – Page Element page on which you can specify the settings for a new page element. To navigate to this page, refer to the following topics:

To set up image capture or file upload:

  1. On the Mobile – Page Element page, do the following:

    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the page element.

    2. In the Label field, select the label that you want to appear on the mobile page for this element.

    3. In the Type field, select one of the following page element types: Capture Image Icon or Upload File Icon.

  2. To map the target transaction or custom record to which you want to attach the image or document files, set the Record Name field.

    To display an attachment in a sublist, set up the Sublist Name field instead. If you want to display it in a specific field within a record or sublist, set up the Field Name field too.

    If you want to attach files to multiple transactions, set the same fields on the No Code Settings subtab. To map a new transaction, click New Mobile – No Code Settings.

    For more information about these fields, see Data Capturing and Storage for Page Elements.

  3. To map this page element with the transaction associated with the mobile process, do the following:

    1. In the Reference Transaction Type field, enter the internal ID of the transaction.

      For example, you want to add the icon to a mobile page within the PO Receiving process. Enter purchaseorder, to map the icon with the purchase order transaction.

    2. In the Reference Transaction State Path field, enter the state path to the key that contains the reference transaction’s internal ID.

      Example: state:datarecord:scriptParams:transactionInternalId – This state path to the transactionInternalId key stores the internal ID of purchase orders processed through PO Receiving on the app. For more information about state paths, see Accessing Data Stored in the State.

      Alternatively, to assign a static value, enter the internal ID of the specific reference transaction. You may also use the keyword, constant, following by the internal ID or another static value.

  4. (Optional) For the Capture Image Icon, to include additional details in the filename, you can set up the Image State Path field. In this field, you can enter the state path to a key that contains the additional detail.

    For example, if you want to include the warehouse name in the filename, you can enter the following path in this field: state:dataRecord:auxParams:warehouse.

  5. Optionally, to control the visibility of the icon on the mobile page, you can set the following additional fields: Visibility Condition or Disable Field Condition.

    For detailed instructions, see Page Element Visibility and Loading.

  6. Click Save.

    You can perform other customizations or configurations on other pages or page elements within the mobile process.

  7. To apply all your updates to the app, you can click Save and Update App for Mobile Configuration. For Mobile Customization, see Compiling Mobile Customizations.

After you update the standard or custom mobile process, you can view the icon on the app. To capture or upload files, see Capturing and Attaching Files Through the App.

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