
Billing Overview

To receive payment from customers for the correct amount they owe, bill customers for any goods and services that you sell. Customer bills track exactly what goods and services were sold to the customer and the exact amount the customer owes you for each one.

After you have entered customer bills in NetSuite, send the bill to your customer so they know how much they owe you. You can print bills and then mail or fax them, or you can send bills to your customers by email.

If you enter a bill for all items you sell, you can accurately track the amount you charged for each item, the amount each customer owes you, and the total amount of funds due as income.

Billing Forms

You can bill customers in several ways: using invoices, cash sales and statement charges. These are transactions that record any items or services provided to the customer and how much you charge for each item or service. For more information on billing customers using these forms, read the following:

Customer bills can also be created by converting a sales order into a bill. This enables you to create the bill without re-entering data. For more information, read Creating Invoices or Cash Sales from Sales Orders.

Terms of Payment

Terms are used to specify when payment is due on your customers' bills. You can create different payment terms for different customers. For example, one customer has terms of Net 30 and must pay the balance due within 30 days.

Using terms helps you track expected income over time. For more information on terms, read Creating Terms of Payment and Using Terms of Payment.

Advanced Billing

Advanced billing enables you to create billing schedules to invoice sales over a range of time or a contract term. For example, a service company can use advanced billing to manage recurring billing on sales such as a one-year membership billed monthly. Billing schedules manage the billing process to track when to invoice customers and how much to bill. For more information, read the following:

Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment

If you want to create invoices for a whole order even if the order has not been completely fulfilled, enable the Invoice in Advance of Fulfillment preference. Then, even if you ship only part of an order, you can create an invoice or cash sale for the entire order. For information on enabling this preference, read Accounting Preferences.

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