Adding Billing Information to a Transaction

Select the Billing subtab to add billing related information to a transaction.

To add billing information to a transaction:

  1. If you are creating a progress billing sales order, select billing terms for this order in the Terms field.


    On a sales order, if you enter both a payment method and terms, the payment method takes precedence, and a cash sale is generated upon billing.

  2. If you use the Advanced Billing feature, in the Billing Schedule field select the schedule you want to apply to this order.

  3. The customer's default billing address shows in the Bill To text field.

    • Select New in the Bill To Select field, or click the + icon, to add an address to be used for this sales order and saved with the customer record.

    • Select Custom in the Bill To Select field to add an address to be used for this sales order only and not saved with the customer record.

    • Click the Edit icon to make changes to the address selected in the Bill To Select field. These changes are saved with the customer record.

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