Published Content
You can perform bulk management of content on the Published Content tab in Overview Mode. The content you can manage includes published landing pages and published content on any page. The type of management you can perform includes editing tags and making changes to content visibility.
The Published Content tab is an additional way to manage published content. Content includes HTML, image, text, landing page, or other types of content.

This list lets you view currently published content and pages. This includes both content and pages that are currently visible and those with a future start date. Content is grouped together by URL. The URL is associated with the landing page, category page, content page, or other enhanced page. Each grouping can contain a landing page row and contents row.
There are also different ways you can filter the published content you want to review or edit. This menu gives you three different options to filter content:
Visibility — This lets you filter content by whether they are currently visible on the site or if they have a future start date.
Content Type — This lets you filter content by type, so you can look at HTML, Image, Text, Page, or other types of content.
Path — This lets you filter by the location or URL of the content.
Tag — This lets you filter by any tags you have associated with your content.
Click Apply Filter when you have decided what content you want to review or edit. Click Reset to reset the filters and choose another set of values to filter content.
The published content view lets you locate and group content together and apply changes to multiple items at one time. You can add or update tags and edit visibility dates for content and pages. These operations are done separately.
Click Edit Tags to edit the tags and save them. Click Edit Visibility to edit the visibility dates and save them. Similar to most other content, you must publish the changes before the edits are applied.
There are some situations where the group may not contain a page row because the content is associated with:
Expired Landing Page
Deleted Landing Page
Category Page
Enhanced Page
For related information, see SMT Expired Content.
Related Topics
- Site Management Tools Overview
- Site Management Tools Versions
- Installation and Implementation
- Users and Roles in Site Management Tools
- User Interface
- Published and Unpublished Content
- Visibility Dates
- Review and Publish Your Site
- Published Content
- Theme Skin Manager
- Commerce Categories in SMT
- Preview Screen Sizes
- Content and SEO
- SMT NetSuite Records