Installation and Implementation

Site Management Tools are implemented on your Commerce web store. The Site Mangement Tools user interface is then available for use in the application. Installation and implementation includes the following steps:

  1. Enable Features

  2. Install the SMT Core Content Types Bundle

  3. Implement Site Management Tools on an Application

  4. Log In to Site Management Tools for the First Time

Enable Features

The first step for implementing Site Management Tools, is to enable the feature.

To enable SMT:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Click the Web Presence subtab.

  3. Check the Site Management Tools box.

  4. Click Save.

Install the SMT Core Content Types Bundle

The SMT Core Content Types bundle (Bundle ID 190323) lets you create the core content types in Site Management Tools. Core content types include image, text, merchandising zone, and HTML. These content types help in the build-out of your SuiteCommerce site. For details, see Types of Content.

When you install the bundle you must also activate the Core Content Extension. If you do not activate the extension the core content types are grayed out in Site Management Tools.

To install the SMT Core Content Types bundle:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. In the Keywords Keywords field, enter SMT Core Content Types.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Select SMT Core Content Types from the search results.

  5. Click Install.

  6. When the bundle install is complete, go to Commerce > Extensions > Extension Manager.

  7. Click Edit next to the website and domain where you want to install the bundle.


    If you are creating a new activation, see Creating a New Activation.

  8. Select the Extensions tab.

  9. Check the Active box next to Core Content Extension.

  10. Click Activate.

  11. If this is the initial activation for a domain, clear the domain's cache by triggering a cache invalidation request. See Cache Invalidation for details.

Implement Site Management Tools on an Application

Site Management Tools is preconfigured on the Commerce web store Shopping Application. It is currently available for Commerce web stores Denali R2 and later.

For more information about Site Management Tools integration with Commerce web stores, see Site Management Tools Subtab.

Log In to Site Management Tools for the First Time

Site Management Tools implements its own file structure in the file cabinet. When you login for the first time this file structure is automatically setup and configured. Images and content templates are stored in the file cabinet. For more information about logging in to Site Management Tools, see Users and Roles in Site Management Tools.


Do not move or rename any of the Site Management Tools folders in the file cabinet.

Location of Images

When you add image content, the images are stored in the file cabinet:

  • Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. -CMS > CMS > Site-[Site Number] > files


The image files stored here are maintained by Site Management Tools. You should never manually add, edit or delete files from these locations.

Location of Templates

When you add templates, the templates are stored in the file cabinet:

  • Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc.-CMS > CMS > [application] > Published > Templates


The template files stored here are maintained by Site Management Tools. You should never manually add, edit or delete files from these locations.

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General Notices