After-Tax Deduction Pay Codes

These deductions do not reduce taxes.

Code Name


Additional Information

W-2 Box

Advances -Repayment

Employee repayment of advance

Funds paid back to employer for a previous advance. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

After-Tax Employee Insurance Contribution

Employee contribution to insurance plans treated as an after-tax deduction

Insurance contributions made for any insurance that cannot be pre-tax. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

This code is rarely used. In most cases, employers provide at the minimum a Premium Only Plan (POP) cafeteria plan. This plan shifts the insurance premiums to a pre-tax basis—reducing virtually all taxes, including employer taxes such as FICA, Medicare, and Unemployment.

Child Support

Employee deduction for child support payment

Money paid through payroll by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent for the support of children. This is an after-tax deduction and is often, but not always, mandated by a court order. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

Employee Share SDI

Employee deduction for state disability insurance

This tracks the employee deduction for state disability insurance. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

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Employee deduction for wage garnishment.

Wage garnishment is a legal procedure. A person's earnings are required by court order to be withheld by an employer for the payment of a debt. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

Long Term Disability

Employee deduction for long term disability insurance

After-tax deduction for employee's share of the cost of long term disability insurance. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

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Misc. After-tax Deduction

General employee deduction which does not reduce taxes

Miscellaneous after-tax deduction that can be used for a deduction not listed. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

Term Life Insurance

Employee deduction for term life insurance which does not reduce taxes

Employee's after-tax contribution for a term-life insurance premium.

This code should be rarely used. In most cases, this type of insurance is included in a pre-tax plan, such as a POP plan. This deduction does not reduce taxes.

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