Other Earning Pay Codes
In most cases, these pay codes are used for special reporting.
Code Name |
Description |
Additional Information |
FIT Taxable |
FICA Taxable |
W-2 box |
1099 |
Earnings for independent contractors This item is for SuitePeople U.S. Payroll only. |
All pay for independent contractors should go into this code. Earnings will be reported on Form 1099-NEC box 7. |
Form 1099-NEC, box 7 |
Advances -Loans |
Code for any advance where repayment is expected |
These amounts are not included as income for tax-reporting purposes. It is anticipated that they will be paid back to the employer. |
— |
— |
— |
Golden Parachute In Excess Of the Limit |
Payment to a key executive when terminated due to a change of ownership |
Golden Parachute payments in excess of the federal limit are subject to an additional excise tax. The amount withheld must be reflected in both W-2 box 2 -Federal Income tax withheld and in box 12 Code K. |
Y |
Y |
box 12 Code K |
Tips Paid by Employer |
Allocated tips paid by employer |
In most cases, this code is used by large food and beverage employers who are required to allocate a certain percentage of tips to employees. This appears in box 8 on W-2s. You will find more details available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p531.pdf. |
N |
N |
box 8 |
Tips |
Adds to earnings and is fully taxable. An automatic deduction ensures that the employee is not paid for this amount. |
box 7 |
Moving Expenses -Qualified Reimbursement |
Qualified moving expenses paid to employees on their paychecks This code is used when expenses for an employee's relocation are paid out-of-pocket by the employee and the employer reimburses the amount. The check should NOT include an offsetting deduction so this amount does increase check's net payment. |
Outcome is to increase net pay. This pay code is fully taxable and reportable |
Y |
Y |
Box 12, Code P is no longer supported for this pay code Box 1, 3 and 5 |
Non-Taxable Reimbursement |
Code to use when reimbursing expenses on paychecks |
Expenses should be business related and substantiated as per federal rules. This code does not effect earnings or taxes. |
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— |
NQDC Distributions |
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation contributions are payments that are made to the employee for work done or services performed in the past. They are reported on Form W-2, Box 11, but are also included as taxable wages in Box 1. |
box 11 |
Related Topics
- Taxable Earning Pay Codes
- Fringe Benefit Earning Pay Codes
- Miscellaneous Pre-Tax Employee Deduction Pay Codes
- Pension Plan Contribution Pay Codes
- Education Plan Contribution Pay Codes
- Cafeteria Plan Contribution Pay Codes
- After-Tax Deduction Pay Codes
- Employer Contribution Pay Codes
- Standard Pay Codes