Custom Segment Metadata
NSPB Sync does not include a default saved search for custom segments. To push the hierarchy of your custom segment to Data Exchange, you need to set up the custom segment and create the saved search properly in NetSuite.
To set up your custom segment and create a saved search:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
Click the custom segment of your choice.
Check the Include in Search Menu box.
Click Save.
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Custom Segments.
Click Edit for the updated custom segment.
Click the Permissions subtab.
In the Role column, select the PBCS Integration role.
Select View as the access level for this role.
Click Add to assign this role to the custom segment.
Click Save.
Go back to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
Click Search for the updated custom segment.
Click the Create Saved Search button.
Enter a title for the search.
In the ID field, make sure you prefix the saved search ID with customsearch_nspbcs_sync_cseg.
Check the Public box.
On the Criteria subtab, add filters.
On the Results subtab, in the Columns sublist, add the first five columns exactly as illustrated below:
You can substitute Prefix_ in the formula for the Child column with any prefix to help you identify the saved search. For example, formula 'Seg_' ||{internalId} will list all the custom segment records under the top–level parent named Seg.
Click Save.
For information about custom segments in NetSuite, refer to Custom Segment and Custom Segments in Record Searches in the NetSuite Help Center. If you need to create a custom segment, refer to Creating a Custom Segment in the NetSuite Help Center.
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- Metadata Export to Planning and Budgeting
- Supported Metadata Saved Searches
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- Creating the Hierarchy of Metadata
- Optimal Number of Metadata Records to Import
- Returning Metadata Hierarchy Based Only on Cloned Saved Search
- Account Type Mapping
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