Customer Project Metadata
When the Customer Project metadata saved search is called from Data Exchange, and the parent of the projects is a customer, the saved search returns projects with the hierarchy of the parent customer. If you want all the customer hierarchy returned, you first need to call the Customer metadata saved search, and then this Customer Project metadata saved search. Consequently, your Planning and Budgeting will have all the customer hierarchy including customers that have projects.
Related Topics
- Metadata Export to Planning and Budgeting
- Supported Metadata Saved Searches
- Supported Prefixes of Metadata Saved Searches IDs
- Item Metadata
- Vendor Metadata
- Location Metadata
- Accounts Metadata
- Class Metadata
- Customer Metadata
- Department Metadata
- Project Metadata
- Employee Metadata
- Custom Segment Metadata
- Creating the Hierarchy of Metadata
- Optimal Number of Metadata Records to Import
- Returning Metadata Hierarchy Based Only on Cloned Saved Search
- Account Type Mapping
- Item Type Mapping