Creating Engineering Change Orders

Create an Engineering Change Order (ECO) to list changes in an assembly item’s Bill of Materials (BOM). You can also use the ECO record to enter process changes for documentation.

When created, NetSuite validates the ECO record for uniqueness and enters the SuiteApprovals workflow. For more information about how approval rules work, see Approval Rules for Engineering Change Order.

Engineering Change Order Bulk Processing

This feature supports bulk processing of ECO records. You can do any of the following actions during bulk processing:

  • Multiple Add actions for one or more items in one ECO record.

  • Multiple Remove actions for one or more items in one ECO record.

  • Multiple Replace actions for one or more items in one ECO record.

  • A mix of Add, Remove, and Replace actions for one or more items in one ECO record.

  • Add, Remove, and Replace actions for the same BOM and BOM revision are processed together.

NetSuite sends an email notification to coordinators of ECOs when bulk processes complete. The email body contains a link to the ECO record and error details, if any occurred during implementation.


During manual or automatic implementation, you can view the Implementation Status of any ECO and track the status of each change action. For more information, see Viewing Implementation Status.

To create an engineering change order record.

  1. Go to Lists > Engineering > Engineering Change Order > New.

  2. In the Primary Information section, complete the following fields:

    1. ECO Type – Select the type of change order.

      For more information about ECO types, see Setting Up Engineering Change Order Types.

    2. Problem – Enter the reason for the change order.

    3. Description – Enter additional details for the change order.

    4. Date – The ECO creation date is set to today's date by default. You can set this field to a future date.

    5. Effective Start Date – Select a date of when the change order becomes effective.

    6. Effective End Date – Select a date of when the change order becomes obsolete.

      This field is not required.

    7. Subsidiary – If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, select a subsidiary.

    8. Approval Status – If you are using SuiteApprovals for ECO, this field is set to Pending Approval by default. Otherwise, this field is blank.

    9. Next Approver – Displays the next approver when ECO enters the approval workflow.

    10. Implementation Status – Displays the status of the ECO when it is approved or implemented. For more information, see Setting Engineering Change Order Preference and Implementing Engineering Change Orders.


    If you have a NetSuite Oneworld account, ensure you have selected a subsidiary before you enter product change details. You can select only those items and assembly items associated with the selected subsidiary.

  3. On the Product Changes subtab, click Add BOM Changes.

  4. In the Add Change window, from the Action list, select one of the following change actions:

    • Add – Select this option if you want to add a component to an assembly item.

    • Remove – Select this option if you want to remove a component from an assembly item.

    • Replace – Select this option if you want to replace a component from an assembly item.

  5. In the Item field, enter the name of the item you want to change. The field returns search results as you type.

  6. When you have selected an item, click Add BOM Change.

  7. In the sublist, provide values for each column:

    1. Assembly Item – Enter the name of the assembly item affected by the change action. The field returns search results as you type.

    2. Quantity – Enter the quantity of the item you want to add. The default value is 1.


      This field is not editable for the Remove and Replace action.

    3. Change Component Yield – Update the percentage as necessary. This field has no value if the Use Component Yield preference is not enabled for the affected assembly item.

      For more information, see Setting the Use Component Yield Preference


      This field is not editable for the Remove and Replace action.

    4. BOM – Select the BOM to which the item will be added. All BOMs associated with the affected assembly items are available for selection.

    5. Revision – Select the affected revision of the BOM.

    6. New Revision – Enter a revision name for when the change is implemented.


    Changing the value of the action or item field will remove all change line items already entered. To enter another change action, you must first save the current change action you entered.

  8. When you are done entering values in the sublist, click Save.

    If you want to edit the change details again after saving, click the edit icon to open the Add Change window.

  9. On the Process Changes subtab, enter details or take note of the following fields for documentation and approval purposes:

    1. Process Description – Enter the details of the process change.

    2. Date/Time – Displays the timestamp of when the ECO record is saved. This field cannot be edited.

      If you edit the ECO record, the timestamp adjusts to the current date and time.


    If you are using SuiteApprovals for ECO, ECO records for process changes go through approval. Ensure that you create approval rules for these change types. For more information, see Approval Rules for Engineering Change Order.

  10. On the Notes subtab, in the Memo column, add additional details related to the ECO. For more information about user notes, see Entering Communication Information to a Transaction.

  11. On the Files subtab, in the Attach File column, select the required or relevant documents and materials about the ECO. For more information about attaching files, see Working with Files.

  12. When the ECO record is complete, click Save.

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