Direct Invoice Payment

The Direct Invoice Payment feature lets your customers conveniently pay an invoice online, using a computer or mobile device. Instead of having to contact you and discuss payment, your customers receive an email with a link to an invoice that is stored in the My Account area of your Commerce website. They can then use one of their stored payment methods to make a payment without needing to re-enter their payment information.

After you have configured the Direct Invoice Payment URL, you can customize the email and invoice templates that are used to inform customers that an invoice is ready for payment.

To use Direct Invoice Payments:

  1. Configure Direct Invoice Payment Link URL

  2. Customize Direct Invoice Payment Template

  3. Customize Invoice Transaction Form

Configure Direct Invoice Payment Link URL

To use Direct Invoice Payments, you must set up the URL for the payment link.

You can select one of the domain names associated with your Commerce website to be used as a default link for your customers to be redirected to when they pay an invoice.

To configure the Direct Invoice Payment URL:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Direct Invoice Payment.

  2. Select your website.

  3. Select the domain associated with your website which you want to use for the default link you send to your customers.

  4. Click Save.

The Direct Invoice Payment URL has the following format:

Customize Direct Invoice Payment Template

The Direct Invoice Payment feature includes the Direct Invoice Payment Template which is used to generate an invoice for the email you send to your customers. You can customize this template and it is used to format printed and email versions of the Standard Invoice Transaction Form.

The Direct Invoice Payment Template includes a link to the Direct Invoice Payment URL which displays at the bottom of the template.

To customize the Direct Invoice Payment Template:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  2. Next to Standard Direct Invoice Payment PDF/HTML Template, click Customize.

  3. Make any required changes, including updating the direct invoice payment label text.

  4. Click Save.

Customize Invoice Transaction Form

You can select the Direct Invoice Payment Template for printed and email transactions by editing the Standard Product Invoice Transaction Form.

To customize the Invoice Transaction Form:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Next to Standard Product Invoice, click Customize.

  3. Select the template to be used for printed transactions that use the Standard Product Invoice Form. From Print Template, select Standard Direct Invoice Payment PDF/HTML Template.

  4. Select the email template that determines the layout of email attachments sent in the Standard Product Invoice email. From Email Template, select Standard Direct Invoice Payment PDF/HTML Template.

  5. Click Save.

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