Work Details

Manufacturing Mobile enables production managers to monitor work details for work done by employees, location, work center, and work status.

You can view the following information for each work order:

To view work details for a specific work order, see Viewing Work Details.

Work Details

The following table describes the fields available in the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page.



Work ID

The unique internal identification (ID) number generated by the system whenever work starts.


The location assigned to the work order.

Click the hyperlink to open the Location page.

Work Center

The production area within a location where the work effort was performed.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Center page.

Work Status

The state or status of the work. For example, Ready or Completed.

Work Start Date

The date the work began for the work order.

Work End Date

The date an employee ended the work on a work order.

Last Worked By

The last employee who performed the work.

Production Date

The date given when the work ends. It is used as the posting date during the build transaction.

Work Started By

The employee who started the work.

Work Ended By

The employee who ended the work.

Last Validated

The latest date and time when the data was successfully validated.

Work Transactions Details

The following table describes the fields available in the Mfg Mobile – Work Transactions Details page.



Work ID

The unique internal identification (ID) number generated by the system whenever work starts.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page.

Work Status

The state or status of the work. For example, Ready or Completed.


The location assigned to the work order.

Click the hyperlink to open the Location page.

Work Center

The production area within a location where the work effort was performed.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Center page.

Work Order

The work order that contains the work details.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Order page.


The item produced or manufactured.

Click the hyperlink to open the Assembly page.

Work Order Quantity

The assembly item quantity produced or manufactured against the work order.

Operation Name

The name of the operation in the manufacturing process.

Operation Sequence

The sequence that the operation follows.


If this box is checked, all work order components are automatically consumed at the standard BOM quantities.

Reporting consumption is unavailable in the mobile scanner, but reporting production is still available.

Backflush is compatible with or without real time build and WIP work orders.

Real Time

If this box is checked, real time build automatically records ERP transactions whenever you report consumption or production in the mobile scanner. The Submit Work option is unavailable in the mobile scanner. No action is required to submit or process data in NetSuite.

By default, this box is checked and enabled for all types of work orders.

If this box is cleared, ERP transactions are recorded manually. The Submit Work option is available in the mobile scanner. You must tap this option to submit or process data in NetSuite.

Work Messages

Work messages are exception messages that prompt the manager to review reported consumption and production data, and modify them when required. You can review and modify the reported data at any time, independent of any validation processes.

If incorrect data has been processed, you can delete the build in NetSuite, correct or report the data, and then reprocess data.

The following table describes the fields available in the Mfg Mobile – Work Messages page.



Work ID

The unique internal identification (ID) number generated by the system whenever work starts.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page.


The location assigned to the work order.

Click the hyperlink to open the Location page.

Work Center

The production area within a location where the work effort was performed.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Center page.

Work Order

The work order that contains the work details.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Order page.


The item produced or manufactured.

Click the hyperlink to open the Assembly or Assembly Item page.


This field classifies work messages as the following:

  • Error – must be corrected before you can process more data.

  • Warning – represents information that does not require action.


The process that prompts the exception message.

Message Text

A description of the error or warning.

Operation Name

The name of the operation in the manufacturing process.

Operation Sequence

The sequence that the operation follows.

Material Consumption by Shift

The following table describes the fields available in the Mfg Mobile – Material Consumption page.


In the Mfg Mobile – Material Consumption subtab of the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page, the Processed? column displays Yes when data has been sent to NetSuite as part of the build process.



Work ID

The unique internal identification (ID) number generated by the system whenever work starts.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page.

Consumed Date

The date when the component was reported as used.


The shift that reported the consumed data.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Shift page.

Consumed By

The name of the employee who reported the component as used.

Click the hyperlink to open the Employee page.

Operation Sequence

The sequence that the operation follows.

Component Item

The component item reported as used to build the assembly.

Click the hyperlink to open the Inventory Item page.

Consumed Quantity

The quantity of the component reported as used for production.

Consumed Units

The units of the component reported as used.

Lot #

The lot number of the component reported as used.

Operation Name

The name of the operation in the manufacturing process.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the component lot reported as used.


If this box is checked, the consumption record was processed in the build.

Work Order

The work order that contains the work details.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Order page.

Work Order Line #

The line number of the component in the work order component list.

Production Reporting by Shift

The following table describes the fields available in the Mfg Mobile – Production Reporting page.


In the Mfg Mobile – Production Reporting subtab of the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page, the Processed? column displays Yes when data has been sent to NetSuite as part of the build process.



Work ID

The unique internal identification (ID) number generated by the system whenever work starts.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Work Details page.

Reported Date

The date when the produced quantity was reported.


The shift that reported the produced data.

Click the hyperlink to open the Mfg Mobile – Shift page.

Reported By

The name of the employee who reported the produced quantity.

Click the hyperlink to open the Employee page.

Operation Sequence

The sequence that the operation follows.

Work Order

The work order that contains the work details.

Click the hyperlink to open the Work Order page.


The item produced or manufactured.

Click the hyperlink to open the Assembly or Assembly Item page.

Production Quantity

The quantity of assembly items reported as produced.


The units of measure used to report production.

Operation Name

The name of the operation in the manufacturing process.

Lot #

The lot number of the assembly item reported as produced.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the assembly item lot reported as produced.


If this box is checked, the production record was processed in the build.

Related Topics

General Notices