Mfg Mobile – Setup Downtime
To view setup downtime:
In the View list, select Default View.
In the Mfg. Mobile – Setup Downtime list, select the setup downtime report you want to view.
Click the open icon (
) to open the setup details page.
The Mfg Mobile – Setup Downtime Forms
In the Custom subtab, click New Mfg. Mobile – Setup Downtime.
The following table describes the Mfg Mobile – Setup Downtime and Standard Mfg Mobile – Setup Downtime Forms.
Field |
Details |
Inactive |
Check this box to remove all references to this record from your account. |
Location |
The location where setup pause was recorded. |
Work Center |
The work center where setup pause was recorded. |
Work Order |
The work order that setup pause was recorded against. |
Shift |
The shift designation the setup pause was reported data. |
Operation Sequence |
The operation sequence that setup pause was recorded for. |
Operation Name |
The operation name that setup pause was recorded for. |
Work ID |
The work ID that setup pause was recorded against. |
Created By |
The name of the person who logged in and created the record. |
Last Modified by |
The name of the person who logged in and modified the record. |
Start Time |
The time the setup pause was started. |
End Time |
The time the setup pause ended. |
Pause Reason |
The reason the setup was paused. |
Chargeable – Machine |
When checked, the pause duration for Machine time related to the selected reason will be charged to Work Order Duration. This field is auto populated from Mfg Mobile – Pause Reason Codes. |
Chargeable – Labor |
When checked, the pause duration for Labor time related to the selected reason will be charged to Work Order Duration. This field is auto populated from Mfg Mobile – Pause Reason Codes. |
Machine Setup Downtime (Min) |
The length of time the machine was paused during setup. |
Labor Setup Downtime (Min) |
The length of time labor was paused during setup. |
Work Order Completion |
The Work Order completion transaction reference. |
Processed? |
Indicates whether the production record was processed in the completion transaction. |
Do Not Process |
Indicates whether the record needs to be processed with a work order completion transaction. |