Adding a Field that Spans the Top or Bottom of a Page

When determining where a custom field displays on a form, for some field types you can optionally have the field span the column at the top or bottom of a subtab or section. Spanning the column is especially useful to add a text area field at the top or bottom of a subtab or section where you can provide explanatory information.

On the Insert Before field of the Display subtab, select either Outside columns at top or Outside columns at bottom. You can optionally enter a display width, display height, or both in the Display Size field to set the initial size of the field. You can later manually change the field’s display size on the form, if needed. If you do not specify the initial display size, the size defaults to three columns wide and three lines high.

The field displays on the form above or below the other fields on the subtab or section. You can change the size of the field by dragging the control in the bottom right corner of the field. The column width is determined by the size of the field. If the column spans beyond the page width, a horizontal scroll bar is added to the subtab or section. This scroll bar applies only to the subtab or section where the field appears.

The following screenshot shows the Miscellaneous Instructions field spanned across the page of the Purchasing/Inventory subtab.

Sample field spanning across tab page before other fields.

For more information about creating a field that spans the top or bottom of a page, watch the following video.

For more information about Display Options, see Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.

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