Formulas with Various Field Types
The following sections describe using various field types in formulas. For information about formula fields, see Creating Formula Fields.
Using List/Record Field IDs in Formula Fields
You can reference the ID value for any List/Record type field in a formula field. Use the format {field_name.ID}
Using Transaction Memo Fields in Formulas
Transactions that have line items, such as sales orders, can have values for both a memo body field and memo line item fields. Transaction line memo fields are set when transactions are saved. The memo field returns both the body field and line item field from the transaction, unless the memo body field is blank. If the memo body field is blank, the memo field returns the value from the first line item memo field that is not empty.
The memobody field is a placeholder that can be used to return the memo body field value, even if it is blank. However, memobody can be used only in a related record, for example, {salesorder.memobody}. The memobody field cannot be accessed through SuiteScript.