Associating a SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-in Implementation With a Tax Code


To access the SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp documentation in other languages, do the following:

  • To access the documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see SuiteTax Latam Engine.

  • To access the documentation in Spanish, select Español (Latinoamérica) from the dropdown list at the top right corner of the NetSuite Help Center.

To calculate taxes with the SuiteTax Latam Engine, you must associate a SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-in implementation with a tax code. The plug-in implementation contains the methods and parameters required to perform the calculation.

Before you associate a SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-in implementation, you must create the tax codes. For more information, see Creating Tax Codes.

The SuiteApp includes a general plug-in for basic tax calculation. For more information, see General Tax Plug-in for the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

To associate a SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-in implementation with a tax code:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax > Tax Codes.

  2. Click Edit next to the tax code you want.

  3. (Optional) If you reference the tax code in SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-ins, in the Internal Name field, enter a name to identify the tax code.

    In general, the internal name has the format of a variable, spelled in uppercase and separated by underscores. For example, TAX_DUE.

  4. In the SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-In Implementation field, select the plug-in implementation you want to use to calculate the tax associated with the tax code.

    This field only supports SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-in implementations.

  5. Click Save.

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