Setting Tax Rounding Preferences in the SuiteTax Latam Engine


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With the SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp, you can specify a tax rounding method and rounding precision setting for a nexus.

All transactions involving subsidiaries associated with the nexus use the tax rounding preferences you set up.

To set tax rounding preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax > Nexuses.

  2. Click Edit next to the nexus record you want.

  3. Click the SuiteTax Latam Engine Tax Rounding Preferences subtab.

  4. In the Tax Rounding Method field, select the rounding behavior for your taxes when using the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

    • Round off – Values in the tax fields are rounded to the nearest integer or decimal place specified in the Tax Rounding Precision field.

    • Round up – Values in the tax fields are rounded up to the nearest integer or decimal place specified in the Tax Rounding Precision field.

    • Round down – Values in the tax fields are rounded down to the nearest integer or decimal place specified in the Tax Rounding Precision field.

  5. In the Tax Rounding Precision field, select the decimal or whole number precision you want to use for this nexus.

    • .01 and below – Values in tax fields are rounded to two decimal points.

    • .1 and below – Values in tax fields are rounded to one decimal point.

    • 1 and below – Values in tax fields are rounded to the nearest single integer.

    • 10 and below – Values in tax fields are rounded to the nearest 10 points.

    • 100 and below – Values in tax fields are rounded to the nearest 100 points.

  6. Click Save.

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