Product Review Moderation

After shoppers submit product reviews, the reviews must be approved in NetSuite before they appear on your website. Users can moderate submitted reviews using the Product Reviews record type.


The product reviews custom record is configured by default with an access type set to No Permissions Required. This setting takes precedence over any permissions set for user roles. This means that any role can view or edit product reviews that are pending moderation.

To control which roles can view or edit product reviews, set the access type in the custom record to Use Permission List then update the role’s permissions for Product Reviews and Product Reviews Attr. Rating as required. See Specifying Permission and UI Settings for instructions about how to update the access type for custom record types. See NetSuite Access Overview for information about users, roles, and permissions.

To moderate product reviews:

  1. In the Global Search field in NetSuite, enter Product Reviews Pending Moderation.

  2. Click the title of the saved search link that appears below the search field to open the Product Reviews Pending Moderation: Results page.

  3. Click Edit for each item to change the status of the submitted review.

  4. On the Product Reviews page, the Status of the review can be changed to the following:

    • Approved — Approve the review and display it on your website.

    • Rejected — Reject the review and prevent it from displaying on your website. The review will also be omitted from the saved search.

    • Flagged by Users — Flag reviews to alert site administrators that the review content may be potentially offensive or inappropriate. These reviews are removed from your website unless the status is changed to Approved.

    • Pending Moderation — Lists reviews awaiting moderation and includes them in the Product Reviews Pending Moderation saved search. These reviews are not displayed on your website until the status is changed to Approved.

  5. After making your status updates, click Save.

You can choose to be notified when a new product review is submitted by setting up product review notifications.

To set up product review notifications:

  1. In the Global Search field in NetSuite, enter Product Reviews Pending Moderation.

  2. Click the title of the saved search link that appears below the search field to open the Product Reviews Pending Moderation: Results page.

  3. Click Edit this Search.

  4. Go to the Email tab.

  5. To be alerted each time a new review is submitted, check the Send Email Alerts When Records are Created/Updated box.

  6. If you prefer to receive a daily digest, check the Send Emails According to Schedule box and then configure the email alert in the Schedule and Specific Recipients subtabs.

  7. Click Save.


Schedule jobs to run at quiet times for your business, such as at night, to minimize the impact on your NetSuite account.

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