Billing Electricity and Telecommunication Expenses (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
If you have created purchase orders with electricity or telecommunication expenses, you can bill those orders to create vendor bills.
To bill a purchase order for an electricity or telecommunication expense:
Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Orders > List.
Find the purchase order for the shipping expense and click View.
Click Bill to bill this purchase order (at the top of the page).
This creates a vendor bill record. The vendor bill is populated with the information you entered on the purchase order transaction. You should review the information under Primary Information and on the Expenses subtab.
Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Documento field, select the appropriate document for this transaction:
If you are billing an electricity expense, select NFCEE.
If you are billing a telecommunication expense, select NFST.
NetSuite posts information from transactions with Nota Fiscal/Conta de Energia Elétrica (NFCEE) or Nota Fiscal de Serviço de Telecomunicação (NFST) documents as inbound entries to your company's fiscal books.
In the Tipo Emitente field, select 1 -Terceiro.
This indicates that the vendor issued the fiscal document to your subsidiary’s Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) number.
In the Natureza da Operação field, select the transaction nature corresponding to the purchase of shipping services.
For more information, see Creating Transaction Natures (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).
In the Modelo field, select the relevant template number:
For the NFCEE document, select 6.
For the NFST document, select 22.
In the Número field, enter the e-document number.
In the Chave de Acesso field, enter the e-document access key.
In the Data Emissão field, enter the e-document certification date.
To save the vendor bill, click Save.
(Optional) Click the Tax Details subtab to review the taxes calculated in this transaction.
Depending on the transaction and tax calculation setup, some taxes may apply to the expenses amount.
(Optional) Click the GL Impact subtab to review the amounts posted to the accounts.