Roles and Permissions for Canceling Electronic Invoices for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
To enable users who do not have an Administrator to cancel electronic invoices on Brazilian Hub, grant the relevant permissions on the following custom records and transactions:
Digital Signing -Grant permission to view the certificate access list. For more information, see Access to Digital Certificates.
Brazilian Hub SuiteApp -Grant full access to the cancelamento notas fiscais custom transaction. For more information, see Roles and Permissions for Brazilian Hub.
LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp -Grant permission to view the custom records for sending e-documents to certification. For more information, see Roles and Permissions for the LATAM E-Document Certification.
Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp -Grant permission to view the e-document sending method and e-document template custom records. For more information, see Electronic Invoicing Permissions and Access Levels.