Creating an Electronic Invoice for Services Status Request Template (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
NetSuite uses the status request template to send requests to tax authorities about the certification status of electronic invoices for services.
Status requests are a requirement of municipal tax authorities that use asynchronous communication in their certification web services. NetSuite runs the process of requesting the certification status automatically.
You should use the predefined status request templates provided by the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp for the following cities and third-party standards:
ABRASF Standard v2.03 and v2.04
BETHA Standard
Barueri (SP)
Campinas (SP)
Curitiba (PR)
Joinville (SC)
Jundiaí (SP)
Salvador (BA)
Santos (SP)
São José dos Campos (SP)
WEBISS Standard
To create the electronic invoice for services status request template:
Go to Setup > E-Documents > E-Document Templates > New.
In the Name field, enter the name of the e-document template record.
You can identify the template record by adding the city’s name to the record name. For instance, you could name it NFSe -City Name -Consulta.
In the E-Document Package field, select BRHub E-Document.
For more information, see Creating the Brazilian E-Document Package for Electronic Invoices for Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).
In the Digital Signature Plugin Implementation field, select E-Document Digital Signature Plug-in.
In the Custom Data Source Plugin Implementation field, select BRHub Certification Data Source Plug-in.
In the Transaction Type field, select Invoice.
In the Subsidiary field, select the Brazilian subsidiary that generates electronic invoices for services to this city.
To select multiple subsidiaries, hold Ctrl and select the subsidiaries.
In the Content Type field, ensure that the value is XML.
In the Template for Outbound E-Documents field, enter the XML content of the outbound e-document template.
The XML file is available in the File Cabinet of your NetSuite account. For more information, see Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Setting Up E-Document Templates for Electronic Invoices for Services (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Creating an Electronic Invoice for Services Certification Template (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Creating an Electronic Invoice for Services Cancellation Template (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Electronic Invoice for Services Templates Association with Subsidiaries (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)