Completing the Labor Requirement Subtab

To add an advanced manufacturing work bench labor, complete the Labor Requirement subtab.

To complete the labor requirement subtab:

  1. Click the Labor Requirement subtab.

  2. Click New AM Mfg Work Bench Labor.

  3. In the AM Mfg Work Bench Labor form, select a Skill Code to assign to the work bench from the list.

    The skill code is a general category of labor needed to complete the manufacturing activity and may be supplied by a variety of labor resources.

    You can add new skill codes to the list as required.

  4. In the Head Count field, enter the number of employees with the designated skill required to complete the production operation over the time period (allocation) specified.

  5. Select one of the following labor Allocation options:

    • Fixed Minutes – to have the Labor Required field interpret the value entered as the number of minutes needed from this skill code during manufacture.

      For example, the value 10 represents 10 minutes.

    • Fixed Hours – to have the Labor Required field interpret the value entered as the number of hours needed from this skill code during manufacture. Select this option for long running operations.

      For example, the value 10 represents 10 hours.

    • Percentage of Cycle – to have the Labor Required field interpret the value entered as a percentage, and have the minutes required derive from the operation's duration.

      For example, the value 10 represents 10%.

  6. To represent the number of minutes, hours, or percent of operation duration that the skill requires, enter a decimal number in the Labor Required field.

  7. Click Save.

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