Shoppers in SuiteCommerce Data Analytics

The following SuiteCommerce Analytics Data topics describe how the feature works with the SuiteCommerce Cookie Consent extension to obtain shopper consent for analytic tracking.


Cookie consent controls can help businesses comply with privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.

Shopper Notice and Explicit Consent

Before any analytics information is captured for a web store having SuiteCommerce Analytics Data enabled, a shopper visiting the site must give explicit consent authorizing the store to collect data during their online session. Because this data includes personally identifiable information (PII), the analytics feature never assumes implied consent.

Shoppers provide their consent authorization or rejection via a cookie banner or a cookie settings menu. The setup is configured using the SuiteCommerce Cookie Consent extension or through a custom extension.

The SuiteCommerce Cookie Consent extension sets up a banner that briefly describes how the site uses cookies. The banner provides buttons for the shopper to:

  • Reject All — Block all cookies not necessary to the functioning of the site

  • Accept All — Consent to all cookies available from the site

  • Cookie Settings — Open a settings menu to customize consent by cookie category

A Cookie Settings menu is included with details about the consent options available and methods for registering consent choices. In addition, a banner and menu can include one or more links to the web store’s unique cookie policy.

The shopper’s decision–reject all, accept all, or custom consent–is associated with the login and device they use for the web store.

SuiteCommerce Cookie Consent Extension

The SuiteCommerce (SC) Cookie Consent extension is designed for use with the Analytics Data feature. It provides a method for configuring a cookie consent banner and cookie consent settings menu. Web stores can include information about the cookies used, whether some cookies are strictly necessary for functioning of the site, and links that direct shoppers to a web store's unique cookie policy page


The extension does not come with default text. All information about cookies used must be entered by the web store account administrator.

See Install the SC Cookie Consent Extension for the steps to get and configure the extension.

Overlay to Ensure a Consent Choice

Prior to receiving a shopper’s explicit cookie consent or rejection, the Cookie Consent extension applies an overlay around the cookie banner. This overlay enforces the requirement to register a choice before browsing the web store. The overlay is applied to the cookie settings menu as well. The opacity (transparency) of the overlay is configurable.

Registered Shoppers vs. Anonymous Shoppers

Analytic information collected during a web store browsing session is associated with a known shopper when they log in. For visitors that do not log in (a guest), the feature uses an “anonymous” account to collect session information.

First Time Shoppers

A session record “New User” field is available via Saved Searches and Workbook Analytics reports to query a list of shoppers who visit a web store for the first time.

Tracking and Shopper Opt In/Opt Out Features

If a shopper who opted in later takes action to opt-out, the SuiteCommerce Analytics Data feature stops tracking their data upon receiving the opt-out request. However, opting out does not trigger automatic deletion of tracking data stored during the period when the shopper’s opt-in was in effect.

Cookies Available for Use With Analytics Data

The following list describes the cookies provided with the SuiteCommerce Analytics Data feature. This list does not include third-party cookies implemented by an individual web store.


How the cookie is used

Impact when blocked by shopper

Strictly Necessary

Save website preferences

Save privacy preferences

Other website functionally

Not applicable. Shopper cannot block cookie.


Collect analytic data at customer and session levels

No analytics data is collected.

Scenarios in which an analytics cookie is updated:

  • Shopper changes their consent preference values through the privacy settings.

  • Shopper logs in, has a new configuration on their customer record, and accesses a web store using a browser different from previous visits.

An analytics cookie has a lifetime of six months.

Third-party Tracking Disclosures

SuiteCommerce customers are responsible for disclosing to their shoppers what cookies are being used on the web store site.

If a customer will include targeting cookies for marketing or advertising, they must integrate with a third-party cookie management solution. It is expected that the third party will ensure their cookies meet privacy requirements.


It is ultimately the customer’s responsibility to assess the legal and operational implications of privacy concerns within their business operations and to implement any changes an internal self-assessment shows are needed to be compliant.

Information to be stored in a tracking cookie includes a time stamp indicating when the cookie was updated, a unique identifier, and details about any consent given by the shopper to permit usage of the cookie.

Example Shopper Opt-in/Opt-out Cookie Management Setup

This topic describes how shoppers accept or reject consent to have cookies installed from your SuiteCommerce web store. For the steps to set a banner and manager menu, see Configure the SC Cookie Consent Extension.


SuiteCommerce Analytics Data does not include default text for the Cookie Consent setup. You must work with your legal team to create this text.

Example Cookie Consent Banner

When a shopper first opens your web store page, they are presented with a cookie consent banner similar to this example. The shopper must make their choice before they can browse your site.

Cookie management banner

In this example, the shopper can click:

  • Cookie Settings — To see more information and set their privacy permissions.

  • Reject All — To prevent the use of optional cookies.

  • Accept All — To allow all cookies without further review.


We do not use “implied consent” for analytics or other cookies. Instead, the shopper must make the choice to consent.

Example Cookie Consent Menu

When a shopper clicks Cookie Settings, they are presented with content and choices similar to this example:

Cookie Consent menu example

The menu consists of these sections.

  • Cookie Settings — Introduces the settings menu.

  • Strictly Necessary — (No opt-out option) Describes that some cookies are required to provide website functionality.

  • Analytics — (Defaults to disabled) Summarizes how the site can use an analytic cookie to collect behavioral data during a shopper’s visit to the web store.

  • Third Party — (Defaults to disabled) Describes how the site might use third party cookies. Examples are how these cookies enable sharing interests over social media or allow viewing content embedded from other sites.

Options available to the shopper from this menu are:

  • Save Settings — Apply and maintain their cookie preferences.

  • Reject All — Reject the use of optional cookies.

  • Accept All — Allow all cookies without manually enabling each option.


Menu text should include links that a shopper can click for more information.

Using a Custom Cookie Consent Extension

You can create a cookie consent extension to suit your unique business requirements. You must use the SuiteCommerce extensibility API to access specific methods that allow you to save a website visitor's cookie consent preferences in NetSuite. For information about creating a custom extension, see Manage SuiteCommerce Analytics Data Cookie Preferences.

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