Setting Up INSS PJ Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
The Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social de Pessoa Jurídica (INSS PJ) tax applies to services that legal entities provide or hire.
Setting Up INSS PJ Calculation on Provided Services
The Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social de Pessoa Jurídica (INSS PJ) tax applies to services that legal entities provide.
To set up INSS PJ calculation on provided services:
Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.
Click Edit.
Click the INSS subtab.
Click the INSS PJ - Saída sublist.
In the Código de Serviço column, select the service code associated with the service.
The column displays the service codes listed on the attachments of Law no. 116, of July 31, 2003, from the Brazilian federal government.
(Optional) If the service involves labor provision, check the Presta Serviço Mão-de-obra box.
Make sure you check the Presta Serviço Mão-de-obra box for the subsidiary you select in your transactions. For more information about the complementary record for Brazilian subsidiaries, see Setting Up the Informação Complementar da Subsidiária Record (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).
In the Alíquota INSS PJ column, enter the INSS PJ rate on the service.
In the Valor Mínimo INSS PJ column, enter the minimum amount required to collect the INSS PJ tax.
In the Data Inicial Vigência column, enter or select the start date for the effectiveness of the parameter.
The start date is the date on which the parameter takes effect for transactions subject to INSS. The date is usually defined by law.
(Optional) If the parameter expires on a date predetermined by law, in the Data Final Vigência column, enter or select the end date for the effectiveness of the parameter.
The end date is the date on which the parameter expires, losing its effect. You can edit this field later if the law changes and affects the effectiveness of the parameter.
(Optional) If the parameter should only apply to a certain subsidiary, in the Subsidiária column, select the subsidiary the parameter applies to.
Click Add.
Repeat the previous steps to add parameters for as many services as required.
Click Save.
Setting Up INSS PJ Calculation on Received Services
The Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social de Pessoa Jurídica (INSS PJ) tax applies to services that legal entities hire.
To set up INSS PJ calculation on received services:
Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Parametrização de Impostos de Serviço.
Click Edit.
Click the INSS subtab.
Click the INSS PJ -Entrada sublist.
In the Código de Serviço column, select the service code associated with the service.
The column displays the service codes listed on the attachments of Law no. 116, of July 31, 2003, from the Brazilian federal government.
(Optional) If the service involves labor provision, check the Presta Serviço Mão-de-obra box.
Make sure you check the Presta Serviço Mão-de-obra box for the subsidiary you select in your transactions. For more information about vendors for Brazil, see Setting Up a Vendor for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).
In the Alíquota INSS PJ column, enter the INSS PJ rate on the service.
In the Valor Mínimo INSS PJ column, enter the minimum amount required to collect the INSS PJ tax.
In the Data Inicial Vigência column, enter or select the start date for the effectiveness of the parameter.
The start date is the date on which the parameter takes effect for transactions subject to INSS. The date is usually defined by law.
(Optional) If the parameter expires on a date predetermined by law, in the Data Final Vigência column, enter or select the end date for the effectiveness of the parameter.
The end date is the date on which the parameter expires, losing its effect. You can edit this field later if the law changes and affects the effectiveness of the parameter.
(Optional) If the parameter should only apply to a certain vendor, in the Fornecedor column, select the vendor the parameter applies to.
Click Add.
Repeat the previous steps to add parameters for as many services as required.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- INSS Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up INSS PF Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up INSS Calculation for Self-Employed Workers (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up INSS Patronal Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up INSS Calculation for Shipping Expenses (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)