Scheduled Generation and Sending of E-Documents for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, used by the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, enables you to generate and send electronic invoices according to a schedule.

If you use the Electronic Invoicing's bulk generation and scheduled scripts features, you should deploy Brazilian Hub’s scheduled return update script. For information on how to deploy this script see, Deploying the Scheduled Return Update Script.

For more information about automatically generating electronic invoices on your account, see Deploying the Bulk Generation Script for E-Documents.

For more information about automatically sending electronic invoices from your account, see Deploying the Script for Scheduled Sending of E-Documents.

Deploying the Scheduled Return Update Script

The scheduled return update script enables administrators to deploy a script to refresh the return information of electronic invoices sent for certification to tax authorities. The return information is the response from the tax authority’s web service sent to Brazilian Hub.

To deploy the scheduled return update script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Click Edit next to the the script deployment record SIT -Calc -MAP -UPD NFe (Deploy ID customdeploy_sit_upd_transaction_nfe).

  3. If you do not want to deploy the script yet, clear the Deployed box.

    A script does not run in NetSuite until you check the Deployed box.

  4. In the Status field, select a status.

  5. Set other deployment preferences according to your business needs.

    For more information, see Map/Reduce Script Deployment Record.

  6. Click the Schedule subtab.

  7. Choose the event type.

  8. In the Start Date field, enter or select the date the schedule begins.

  9. In the Start Time field, select the time for the script to be placed into the NetSuite scheduling queue.

  10. In the Repeat field, select how often you want this script to be placed into the NetSuite scheduling queue.

  11. In the End By field, set the date when the script should stop running.


    If you do not want to set an end date for the deployment, check the No End Date box.

  12. Click Save.

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