Setting Up Product Items for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

If your company sells or purchases products in Brazil, create item records for these products.

To set up a product item for Brazil:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

  2. Click the item type you want.

    Brazilian Hub supports the following product item types:

    • Non-inventory item

    • Inventory item

    • Lot numbered item

    • Serialized item

  3. In the Item Name/Number field, enter the name of the item.

  4. In the Unit Type field, select the type of unit you use to purchase, stock and sell this item.

  5. Click the Accounting subtab.

  6. Enter the relevant accounting information.

    For more information, see Account Information on Items.

  7. Enter additional information as necessary. You can enter general information in the item record header. You can also enter information on the other available subtabs.

    For more information, see Creating Item Records.

  8. Click Save.

  9. After the record is saved, click Edit to open the record in edit mode.

  10. Click the Brazil Setup subtab.

    1. In the MCN Code field, select the MCN code to associate with the item.

    2. In the Origem da Mercadoria field, select the origin category to associate with the item.

    3. (Optional) If the tax on manufactured goods (IPI) is levied on the product, in the Classe Enquadramento IPI field, select the IPI category to associate with the item.

    4. (Optional) If the item is controlled by the IPI tax, in the Código Selo Controle IPI field, select the control category code to associate with the item.

    5. In the Conta Contábil de Cancelamento field, select the account to which to post the amounts of canceled electronic invoices.

      This information is mandatory for canceling electronic invoices in Brazil.

    6. (Optional) If you use this item in Outras Operações Fiscais transactions, in the Conta Contábil de Remessa field, select the account to which to post the amounts of these transactions.

    7. In the Código EAN Tributável field, enter the item’s unit barcode.

    8. In the Código EAN field, enter the item’s barcode.

    9. If the item is manufactured on a large scale, check the Indicador de Escala Relevante box.

      To determine whether an item is manufactured on a large scale or not, refer to clause 23 from the Convênio ICMS 52/2017.

    10. If you did not check the Indicador de Escala Relevante box, in the CNPJ do Fabricante da Mercadoria field, enter the manufacturer’s Brazilian tax ID (CNPJ).

    11. (Optional) If any tax relief applies to the tax calculation on transactions with this item, in the Código de Benefício Fiscal na UF field, enter the benefit code.

    12. If the item you are creating is a fuel, in the Código de Imposto Específico field, select a tax code record to post this tax’s amounts to a different inventory account.

    13. In the Tipo do Item field, select the item type category to associate with this item.

  11. Click Save.

Setting Up Complementary Tax Items

Complementary tax items are used in transactions that generate and issue complementary tax electronic invoices. This type of electronic invoice can be generated when it is necessary to add tax amounts to invoices that have already been generated and sent to tax authorities. This may be necessary if the tax amount reported on the electronic invoice for goods is less than the correct one.

See the topics below to learn more about setting up complementary tax items for Brazil.

Setting Up a Complementary ICMS Item

To generate an electronic invoice that adds Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS) amounts to an existing electronic invoice for goods, you must create a complementary ICMS item.

To set up a complementary ICMS item:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

  2. Click Non-inventory item for resale.

  3. In the Item Name/Number field, enter the name of the item.

  4. In the Subsidiary field, select one or multiple Brazilian subsidiaries.

    To select multiple subsidiaries, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting each subsidiary. A subsidiary must be associated with an item for you to add the item to a transaction.

  5. Click the Purchasing subtab.

  6. In the Purchase Price field, enter 0.00.

  7. In the Cost Category field, select a cost category to associate with this item.

  8. Click the Sales/Pricing subtab.

  9. In the Item Defined Cost field, enter 0.00.

  10. Click the Brazil Setup subtab.

  11. In the MCN Code field, select a generic MCN code, such as 000.00.00 or 999.99.99.

    For more information about MCN codes, see Setting Up MCN Codes (Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp).

  12. Click Save.

Setting Up a Complementary ICMS ST and IPI Item

To generate an electronic invoice that adds Substituição Tributária do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicação (ICMS ST) and Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) amounts to an existing electronic invoice for goods, you must create a complementary ICMS ST and IPI item.

To set up complementary ICMS ST and IPI item:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

  2. Click Non-inventory item for resale.

  3. In the Item Name/Number field, enter the name of the item.

  4. In the Subsidiary field, select one or multiple Brazilian subsidiaries.

    To select multiple subsidiaries, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting each subsidiary. A subsidiary must be associated with an item for you to add the item to a transaction.

  5. Click the Purchasing subtab.

  6. In the Purchase Price field, enter 0.00.

  7. In the Cost Category field, select a cost category to associate with this item.

  8. Click the Sales/Pricing subtab.

  9. In the Item Defined Cost field, enter 0.00.

  10. Click the Brazil Setup subtab.

  11. In the MCN Code field, select a generic MCN code, such as 000.00.00 or 999.99.99.

    For more information about MCN codes, see Setting Up MCN Codes (Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp).

  12. Click Save.

  13. After the item is saved, click the Edit button to open it in edit mode.

  14. Click the Brazil Setup subtab.

  15. Check the Item Complementar ICMS/ST e IPI box.

    This box indicates that the item record is a complementary ICMS ST and IPI item record.

  16. Click Save.

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General Notices