Records Catalog Joins Available for SuiteScript and Rest Query API
The Records Catalog is available for all users with the Records Catalog permission. To assign the Records Catalog permission, first select the role you want to allow access to the Records Catalog in Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. On the role page, you can then add the permission to view the Records Catalog under Permission > Setup > Add (Records Catalog).
To open the Records Catalog go to Setup > Records Catalog or

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Search joins – Search box for searching available joins using keywords. |
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Join Type – Based on a join type, you need to use an appropriate API method. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x. |
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Source / Target Record Type – Related record types. To copy the field ID, click the Copy icon beside the field ID. Click the Information icon to see join pairs for manual SuiteQL. For more information, see SuiteQL. |
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Field ID – ID of a field to which the join belongs. To copy the field ID, click the Copy icon beside the field ID. |
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Cardinality – Cardinality of join. The cardinality of a join between two tables is the numerical relationship between rows of one table and rows in the other. Common cardinalities include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. |
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Available/Unavailable Joins – Displays which joins are Available/Unavailable. |
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Show Unavailable Items – Allows to see records, subrecords, fields, sublists, and joins not available in the current context. The dynamic NetSuite model reflects the customizations and features enabled or disabled in your account. |
The Join tab of the record type’s SuiteScript and Rest Query API displays the join relationships grouped by a record type (for example, Customer) and by its subrecords. For each field, Records Catalog displays the join type, related record types, ID, and cardinality.