Copying Parameters Types from Brazil


To access the SuiteTax Latam Engine - Brazil Records documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see SuiteTax Latam Engine - Brazil Records.

The parameter types provided by SuiteTax Latam Engine - Brazil Records are not editable.

If you have special taxation or accounting scenarios that require new tax codes, you must also create copies of the relevant parameter types. Before creating a copy of a parameter type, create the new tax code to which to apply the parameter type copy. For more information about creating tax codes for Brazil, see Tax Type and Tax Code Creation for Brazil.

To identify which parameter types to copy, look for the predefined tax codes to which the parameter types apply on the table on Parameter Types for Brazil. Copy the parameter types that apply to the tax code for which you created a new tax code record.

For example, if you create a tax code based on the predefined CSRF_RETIDO_BR tax code, you will need to copy the following parameter types:

  • CSLL Rate on CSRF

  • COFINS Rate on CSRF

  • PIS Rate on CSRF

  • Type of Date

To copy a parameter type from Brazil:

  1. Go to Setup > Latam Tax Determination > Parameter Type.

  2. Click View next the parameter type you want to copy.

  3. From the Actions dropdown, select Make Copy.

    A new parameter type record opens, with most of the fields already filled.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the parameter type.

  5. In the Tax Code field, clear the selection and select the new tax code.

  6. (Optional) In the Description field, enter additional information to differentiate the copied parameter type from the predefined parameter type.

  7. Click Save.


If the Available For field is set as Tax Code, add the copied parameter type to the new tax code record. For more information, see Adding Tax Parameters to Tax Codes for Brazil.

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