Defining the Origin and FCI Control Number in Inventory Details
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
Inventory details store information about bin numbers and serial or lot numbers of items. The inventory detail subrecord is available if you have the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management feature enabled in your account.
If you use the Lot Auto Numbering and Brazil Localization SuiteApps, you can also define the following information when setting inventory details for lot and serial numbered items:
Origin – The origin code that identifies the place of origin.
FCI control number – The control number of the Ficha de Conteúdo Importado (FCI) you filled when importing the item.
The FCI form helps determine the share of imported goods in the final value of a product. It also identifies the imported goods and the taxpayer.
For more information about the transactions supported by the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp, see Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp.
To define the origin and FCI control number in inventory details:
Go to List > Accounting > Items.
Next to the lot or serial numbered inventory item you want, click View.
Tip:To search for inventory items, under Filters, in the Type list, select Inventory Item.
Click the Inventory Detail subtab.
In the Number column, click a number to open the lot or serial number record.
Click Edit.
In the Origin field, select the origin of the items.
NetSuite automatically populates the origin information if you associated an origin code in transactions to which you added the item. If you want, you can enter a different origin code.
If the items are imported, in the FCI Control Number column, enter the control number of the FCI form you filled.
Click Save.